Chapter: 29-30

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Chapter 29 

Cheryl pulled away from Kimberley, still staring at Samantha.  “How long have you been standing there?”

Kimberley turned around quickly, a frown creasing her forehead.

“I erm, I came to tell you to take as long as you need getting changed – that I think it’s a good idea that you change before we get started.  Come down when you’re ready”.  Samantha looked from Cheryl to Kimberley, then turned and walked quickly back down the stairs.

Cheryl stared at the empty stairway.  Kimberley turned to look at her.  “How much do you think she heard?”

Cheryl sighed.  “I don’t know.”

“Do you think she heard me shouting?” asked Kimberley, her frown deepening.

 Cheryl turned to face her and shrugged.  “I don’t know, but I don’t like the idea of us arguing in her article”.

Kimberley sighed.  “This was a mistake, wasn’t it?  We’re gonna make things worse”.

Cheryl opened her arms and stepped forward, taking Kimberley in her arms.  “Hey, it’ll be fine.  She saw me kiss you – in what Ithought was private.  That has to go in my favour”.  She pulled away and raised her eyebrows at Kimberley.  

Kimberley smiled and wrapped her arms tightly round Cheryl.  “Come on, let’s get changed – that’s why we came up here”.


Cheryl walked in first, hesitating in the door way until Hillary spotted her.  Hillary smiled and gestured for Cheryl to go in, then spotted Kimberley behind her, holding loosely onto Cheryl’s hand.

“Hi girls, you feeling better now you’re in comfier clothes?” asked Hillary, taking a sip of water.

Both girls nodded, looking round the room for a sign of Samantha.  Cheryl had changed into white shorts and a simple short sleeved blue shirt, while Kimberley had opted for a short summery dress.  

“She’s by the pool talking to her assistant” said Hillary, sensing that’s who they were looking for.

Cheryl sat down on the sofa and Kimberley sat down next to her, immediately putting her legs over Cheryl’s knees.  “She overheard us arguing upstairs, Hillary” admitted Cheryl, resting her hands on top of Kimberley’s legs.

Hillary sighed.  “Well that’s not ideal is it?” she pointed out, rubbing her forehead.  “Just try and stay calm, and answer her questions.  If things start going against you, I’ll step in – halt the interview”.

Both girls nodded and Kimberley rested her head on Cheryl’s shoulder.  “What’s she doing outside?”

“I don’t know,” admitted Hillary, standing up and walking over to the hallway.  “She came downstairs and said she needed some privacy with her assistant.”

“Maybe they’re having a lesbian affair too,” joked Cheryl quietly to Kimberley, making the other girl lift her head up to look at her, and they both laughed.

Hillary looked over.  “What?” 

“Nothing,” replied Cheryl.  “Tell her we’re ready when she is”.

Hillary nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

Cheryl yawned and lifted a hand aimlessly to her mouth to stifle it, before realising she was too late.  Kimberley lifted her head up and looked at her.  “You didn’t sleep much at all last night, did you babe?”

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن