Chapter: 3-4

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Chapter 3  

Cheryl watched Kimberley’s face and smiled.  “You don’t like it do you?”

Kimberley looked over at her as she zipped up her bag and frowned.  “Don’t like what?”

“Not being in charge – not knowing the flight details, or the time the driver’s coming, not having my passport in your bag – just to be sure I don’t forget it”, replied Cheryl, raising her eyebrows.

Kimberley pulled a face.  “Well, I would be a lot calmer if I had your passport with mine – just to be on the safe side…and then there’s the tickets…”

Cheryl rolled her eyes and stood up, making her way across the bedroom and unzipping the front pouch of Kimberley’s flight bag.  “What are you doing?” asked Kimberley, confused, but then she saw Cheryl pulling out her leather wallet.  “Oh no.  Cheryl, give it back”.

Cheryl smiled and shook her head, walking over to her own bag.  “Nope, I’m in charge.  I want you to relax – I’m putting the tickets in here, with my passport, and then I’m keeping hold of it.  You are going to relax and enjoy yourself.  If I have to slip a sleeping tablet in your cup of tea at the airport - I will!”

Kimberley pouted, still frowning.  “Cheryl, stop it.  You know I don’t like it.  I feel better if I’ve got hold of everything.  I won’t be able to relax now…”

Cheryl walked back over to Kimberley, the wallet still in her hand, and now clutching her passport and the plane tickets.  She used her free hand to cup Kimberley’s face and kissed her on the lips, bringing her hand round to the back of Kimberley’s head to pull her in closer.

She pulled away slowly and smiled at Kimberley.  “Feeling more relaxed now?”

Kimberley smiled reluctantly.  “Well, a bit more…”

Cheryl shook her head, laughing.  “Look,” and she held Kimberley’s wallet up with one hand.  “One passport in the name of Kimberley Jane Walsh, complete with dodgy hair on photograph from oooh… 2001 – check”, and she put Kimberley’s passport back in the wallet.  “One passport in the name of Cheryl Ann Cole, soon to be Tweedy - as soon as my solicitor earns his wages,” and she rolled her eyes at Kimberley, “check”, and she put her passport inside the wallet.  “Two return tickets to Los Angeles airport – check”, and she placed them inside too, zipping up the wallet.  She kissed the wallet, winking at Kimberley and put it inside the front pouch of her own flight bag, zipping it shut.

“Flight leaves at 12:50, driver’s arriving for 9am, we’re both ready and packed, he’ll be here in 10 minutes.  Nadine knows what time we’re arriving, she’s arranged for a driver to meet us there, and the villa address is saved into my mobile.  Did I miss anything?” and Cheryl tilted her head to one side.

“How did you get me a visa without me being there to apply?” asked Kimberley, picking her jacket up off the bed.

Cheryl stood still, frowning at Kimberley.  “Visa?  We don’t need a visa – the last time we went to LA we didn’t need a visa”.

Kimberley turned and looked at her.  “Yeah, but this year they changed the law.  Please tell me you got us a visa, Cheryl”.

Cheryl’s mouth opened in shock and she stared back at Kimberley.  “What?  No!  How did I not know this?  Oh sh*t, Kimberley, will they let me do it now?” and she snatched the wallet out of her bag and unzipped it, pulling the passports out.  “Kimberley?”

She looked up and saw Kimberley sat on the edge of the bed, laughing.  “Oh very funny,” she said, realising Kimberley had been joking.  “Oh fine, two can play at that game, when you’re least expecting it…boom!  I’ll get you back!”

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt