Cheryl pouted and shook her head, as Kimberley rested a hand on her cheek and smiled.  “I think we should have a nap when all this is done.  Cuddle up and get an hour’s sleep”.

Cheryl kissed Kimberley’s hand then took it in her own and intertwined their fingers.  “Once they’ve all gone, nobody’s getting back in here ‘till tomorrow.  I’m shutting the world out”.

Kimberley smiled and lay her head back on Cheryl’s shoulder.  “Sounds good to me”, and she kissed Cheryl’s shoulder.

“Shall we start again?” enquired Samantha, hovering in the doorway with Hillary and Emma.  

Kimberley quickly lifted her legs off Cheryl and sat up, resting her feet back on the floor.  

“With an audience this time?” asked Cheryl, noticing that Emma was coming in with her.

“If that’s ok,” replied Samantha.  “She’s been helping me do some research while you were upstairs, I thought it would be nice for her to sit in on it”.

Cheryl shrugged, looking up at Hillary for her approval.

“That’s fine,” agreed Hillary, sitting back down at the table and motioning to both Samantha and Emma to sit down in the armchairs to the side of the sofa.

“Cheryl,” started Samantha, pulling a different notepad out of her bag.  “I’m going to be asking you some questions about Ashley again – related to what he said recently in his interview with a rival magazine.  I’d appreciate some answers – it will help to build a picture of what really happened when you separated, and the truth behind the divorce delays”.  She took the lid off her pen and scanned down the page before looking up at Cheryl.

Cheryl stared back at her for a few seconds before nodding slowly.  “Ok…” she agreed, quietly.

“Good,” replied Samantha with a smile.  “But first of all, Kimberley, what did you think when you saw this place?  You must have been overjoyed when Cheryl brought you here – it’s a lovely thing for a partner to do for you isn’t it – the ultimate escape”.

Kimberley observed Samantha for a few seconds then smiled.  “I think I actually screamed when I saw how gorgeous it was,” and she laughed.  “I expected a quick trip to Europe – Cheryl’s really busy.  But suddenly here we were – close to Nadine, and in this gorgeous villa.  I thought I was dreaming”.

“She didn’t just scream,” added Cheryl.  “She swore in the street”.

Kimberley opened her mouth in shock and smacked Cheryl lightly on the arm.  “Cheryl!”

“Well you did!” laughed Cheryl, grabbing hold of her hand and winking at her.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear, Kimberley,” added Samantha.  “And we’ve done quite a few interviews over the years”.  

“Well, I couldn’t quite find the right words – it was all too perfect,” admitted Kimberley, squeezing Cheryl’s hand.

“It seems to me like you two are in a good place right now,” observed Samantha.  “You’ve always been close – everyone in the industry noticed that.  How do two close friends end up becoming more than just friends?”

“I’ve always loved Kimberley,” replied Cheryl, without hesitating, then she stopped and looked at Samantha.  “It’s just weird.  I mean, in the beginning I was just in awe of her.  I thought that’s what it was.  I wanted to be more like her – she’s an amazing person.  She gives all the time – she’s always there for people, she always knows what to say, and she used to cook me and Nic food in the early days when we couldn’t even boil an egg…”  Cheryl paused momentarily to gather her own thoughts.  “I remember our first ever concert.  I looked over at her and my stomach just knotted, I actually thought I wouldn’t be able to sing because I was just transfixed by her.  But I never thought it was a sexual thing.  I thought I was just in awe of her”.

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now