Hillary observed Samantha for a few seconds then nodded.  She put her glasses on and looked down at her papers.  “Clearly this is a very sensitive time for the girls.  They would much prefer to be out of the lime light right now, but unfortunately circumstances mean that they feel they must give an interview of some sorts.”  Hillary looked over at both Cheryl and Kimberley who were watching her intently as they listened.

Hillary continued.  “I’m assuming you understand why they’ve chosen to do an interview now – right now?”

Samantha nodded.  “I read Ashley’s interview.  It wasn’t exactly favourable towards either of you”.  And she looked at Cheryl and Kimberley before turning to Cheryl.  “And it’s kind of common knowledge that your divorce has stalled”.

Cheryl looked down at the table.  

Hillary interrupted.  “Then it won’t have taken you long to realise that Cheryl didn’t call you because she wanted a girlie chat”.

Kimberley put her other hand over Cheryl’s, and spoke quietly.  “We just want people to know the truth.  Not the lies that Ashley had printed last week.  It’s not fair that people only hear his side of things, because it wasn’t the truth.”

Samantha smiled at Kimberley.  “I’m not going to pretend that we’re doing this out of the goodness of our hearts, Kimberley.  We’re after sales.  But we will print your side of things, as you tell it.  This is your opportunity to do that.  But you’ve done interviews with me before – you know I refuse to be told what I can and can’t ask.  I don’t mind sitting with you girls and the photographer and letting you choose photos that you like, and we’ll choose from those.  But I am professional – I never misquote people, so I refuse to allow people to read the article before it goes to press.  If you don’t trust me, then I may as well go straight back to the hotel”.

She looked from one girl to the other.  “Still prepared to go ahead?”

Cheryl looked at Kimberley, then back at Samantha.  “Yes, we’re still doing it.  But we’re both finding this really hard.  We didn’t plan to do this, it’s all happening a bit fast.”

Samantha nodded.  “I understand.  Now then, the photographer should be ready by now.  Do you want to get yourselves ready for the shoot and I’ll go and see if he needs anything?”  She stood up.

Kimberley pulled at Cheryl, preventing her from standing up.  “Aren’t we doing the interview first?  I kind of thought we’d do that first – get the difficult bit out of the way first”.

Samantha shook her head.  “Sorry – he’ll be sorting out the photos while we’re doing the interview.  He needs that time.  If we do the interview first we’ll be here all night.”

Hillary spoke up.  “Yeah, I agree – the stylists don’t won’t to be hanging around all afternoon either.  Let’s get the photos done while your hair looks fabulous.  Then we’ll sort the interview.”

Kimberley looked at Cheryl.  The younger girl stood up and let go of Kimberley’s hands with one hand to touch Kimberley’s face.  “Come on, your hair will go flat again if we don’t get these photos done”.
Kimberley laughed and stood up, still clasping Cheryl’s hand and walking slightly behind her as they all went out into the pool area.  

The photographer looked up as he heard them all arrive.  “Aaah here you all are.  I’m ready now – let’s have the gorgeous couple over here by the pool.  I promise you won’t get wet!”

Cheryl and Kimberley laughed.  Cheryl shouted over to him.  “Well, seeing as you asked so politely…”.  She turned to Kimberley.  “Come on, gorgeous,” and she winked at her as she led the way over to the pool.  As they sat down on one of the loungers Cheryl put a hand up and pushed some hairs out of Kimberley’s face.  She lowered her voice to a whisper.  “You are gorgeous, and this is all gonna be fine”.  

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now