“I don’t think I have ever wanted to physically hurt someone as much as I do now,” Kimberley revealed quietly, kissing Cheryl’s head again.  

“I’m still going with the ball-cutting myself”, mumbled Cheryl, although neither of them laughed.


“Hey babes,” chirped Nadine, answering her mobile from the comfort of her sun lounger.

“Nadine, where are you?” asked Nicola, the concern in her voice evident to Nadine, making her sit up straight.

“I’m at home, why?  What’s wrong?”

Nicola sighed.  “I’ve just f*cked up, Nadine.  You might need to go and check on Chez and Kimberley – they’re not answering their phones”.

Nadine frowned and took her sunglasses off.  “F*cked up how?”

“Ashley’s done an exclusive in Hello!.  It’s a horrible, horrible interview, Nad.  I couldn’t believe it when Lily called me.  Sarah’s away with Tom, I spoke to Hillary, she said she was calling Chez so I left it a couple of hours then called to check on her and it turns out that she hadn’t answered Hillary’s calls and he had no idea about it and I had to tell her and…”

“Woah!” shouted Nadine, putting a hand up even though Nicola couldn’t see her.  “Back track - you’re speaking too fast.  What’s he said?”

Nicola let out an exasperated noise to match her mood.  “I’m gonna send you a link to it, Nadine.  I can’t bring myself to say it out loud – I might vomit, I’m so disgusted with him.  I checked you know – he’s away with the team, or I’d have gone round there and told him what I thought of him”.

Nadine tutted to show her impatience.  “Well, will you send it now?  I’m still in the dark here”.

“Ok, I’m sending you an email now.  Ring me when you’ve read it – I don’t know what to do.  And Hillary’s in a meeting so I can’t ask her and like I said – Sarah’s away so I can’t speak to her and…”

“Nicola!” shouted Nadine.  “Just sent the goddam email will you and we can talk about it when I know what the hell is going on”.

“Ok, bye”, agreed Nicola, hanging up immediately.

Nadine put her sunglasses back on, waiting for notification of a new email, and she took a sip from the glass on the table next to her.  Less then a minute had passed when she refreshed her inbox on her phone for the fifth time and saw an email from Nicola.  Opening it she began to shake her head as she read the opening paragraphs.  “Oh god,” she muttered, instantly realising the reason for Nicola’s concern.  

She read down, frowning at the more damaging parts, until she reached the end.  Then she went back and read the worst bits again, shaking her head.

Melody gives me what Cheryl never could… Sex with Cheryl was boring and just got worse… She was uninterested… I had to look elsewhere for the thrill she couldn’t provide… I think Cheryl turned to Kimberley because she didn’t know how to satisfy men... I tried to save our marriage – but Cheryl wasn’t enough for me”.

Nadine took one last look at the picture on screen of Ashley with his new girlfriend, smiling for the camera in the sitting room of the house Cheryl once shared with him.  

Nadine closed the internet and stood up, running a hand through her hair as she scrolled down the list of contacts on her phone, looking for Hillary’s number.  “You vile, vile little man”, she muttered.  “Just vile”.

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now