“Hmm” answered Kimberley, unconvinced.  “Hardly my special day if we’re doing things your way, is it?”  She turned away from Cheryl, in one last attempt to break her and find out where they were going.

“Right, that’s it!” declared Cheryl, standing up and smacking Kimberley playfully on the bum.  “Up!  You’re getting a shower now, I can’t cope with the pouting, and the moaning, and you being a narky drawers!”

Cheryl grabbed Kimberley’s hands and pulled her to her feet.  “Shower!”

Kimberley allowed herself to be pulled up by Cheryl and rolled her eyes.  “So bossy”.

“Now you know what it feels like!” grinned Cheryl, walking towards the kitchen with one hand on Kimberley’s back, gently leading her towards the door.

“Is it a big car?” asked Kimberley over her shoulder.  “Cos if it’s a big car, it’s a long journey…”

Her question was muffled as Cheryl reached a hand round her face and over her mouth.  “Will you stop!” she laughed, putting her other arm round Kimberley’s waist from behind, and still pushing her gently inside the kitchen.


“I’ll lock the door, babe.  Will you grab my bag?” asked Cheryl, holding her bag out to Kimberley.

The car had arrived and both girls were dressed in flowing summery dresses and killer heels.  Kimberley had been slightly confused by Cheryl’s choice of clothing for her when she had got out of the shower.  And neither girl was wearing much make up.  

Kimberley had wanted to make more of an effort with her face make-up if they were going somewhere posh, but Cheryl had insisted that given the long drive in the car, they would catch the sun so should go a bit more natural, and anyway, it was the middle of the day.

Kimberley had snuck some make up into her handbag though, just in case.

As Cheryl opened the car door for her, Kimberley climbed into the car and was almost disappointed to see it was quite a big car. We’re going far, she thought, as she sat down next to the window and held Cheryl’s bag out for her.

“What have you got in there?  It’s a bit big for lunch isn’t it?” she asked, moving to look inside.

“Nosey!” laughed Cheryl, picking her bag up off the seat and putting it on the floor next to her, out of reach of Kimberley.  “You know where we’re going” she said to the driver, fastening her seat belt.

The car pulled out of the drive and onto the main road.  Cheryl observed Kimberley as she fastened her own seatbelt.  As Kimberley turned to Cheryl she smiled, then frowned as the car came to a stop, some 30 seconds after pulling out of the drive.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, as the driver got out.

“Nothing,” he replied, opening her door for her to climb out.  Cheryl was already getting out her side of the car.

The driver shut Kimberley’s door and walked round to the passenger side, as Cheryl took Kimberley’s hand and led her onto the pavement.  They met the driver at the front passenger door and he handed Cheryl a huge basket.  “Enjoy,” he said simply, and walked back round to the driver’s side.

Kimberley said nothing as she watched him get in and drive off.  Leaving them both stood at the side of the road, less than 100 metres from their villa.

“Where…?” she finally asked.  “Why has he just left us here?”

Cheryl smiled and pointed to a small path leading towards the beach.  “Because you can’t get onto the beach from our pool, and I thought it’d be fun to make you think we were going far, to a posh restaurant.  We’re just having a picnic on the beach, babe.  But when I say “just” it’s not simple or anything – there’s some lovely food in here” she added, holding up the basket.

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now