Kimberley interrupted, turning her tear-stained face to look at Cheryl.  “Then why, Cheryl?”

Cheryl was a little taken aback to see how upset Kimberley was, and hesitated for a moment, meeting Kimberley’s gaze.  

“Kimberley, they’ve threatened to cancel my record deal - pull the plug before its release”, blurted out Cheryl.  

Kimberley immediately sat up on the bed, looking at Cheryl.  “Why?”

Cheryl looked back at her, relieved that the other girl was listening.  “Because the story reached the American press – about me possibly cheating on you with a man.  They’re more worried about the fact that I’m with you than the cheating story, but they’re just unhappy in general.”

“What’s that got to do with your album?” asked Kimberley, staring back at Cheryl, genuinely confused.

They’re funny about stuff like that, so Hilary says.  It goes against the “brand”.  Apparently I’ve got a responsibility to keep my private life private, unless it supports my image.  Hilary said they don’t think same-sex relationships support my image.  There’s something in my contract about cancelling if I damage my image…” Cheryl’s voice trailed off.

Kimberley shook her head in disbelief.  “They’re threatening to cancel your contract because of me?”

“Because of us” replied Cheryl, sadly.

“Same difference,” said Kimberley.

“Hilary called when I was in the kitchen.  I told her I wasn’t doing anything while I was here – no meetings or anything at all, but when she told me about this, I couldn’t say no, babe.  I can’t just let them cancel everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve without at least trying to stop them…”  Cheryl felt herself getting upset and stopped to try and control her tears.

Kimberley crawled to the foot of the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around the younger girl who immediately put her arms round Kimberley’s waist and rested her head on Kimberley’s shoulder.  Within seconds Kimberley could feel Cheryl’s tears on her bare shoulder.

“It’s ok, babe,” she said, rubbing Cheryl’s back in an attempt to calm the younger girl.  “We’ll sort it.  They can’t just cancel – you’ve started promoting it.  Is Hilary flying over?”

Cheryl pulled away and took hold of Kimberley’s hands, concentrating on stroking each of her nails in turn with the tip of her own thumb.  She shook her head.  “No, there’s no time.  She’s gonna be on the video phone during the meeting and she’s sending a lawyer in with me.  Good job they’ve got a global legal firm isn’t it?” and she laughed, although there was nothing funny about what was happening.

“I’ll come with you,” Kimberley offered.

“Tomorrow?” Cheryl asked, then shook her head.  “I’m not sure if that’d be wise.  Go with Nadine.  I’ll call you when it’s over”.

“I want to be with you, Cheryl.  I don’t want you going in there alone”, Kimberley put a hand on Cheryl’s arm.

“No,” Cheryl shook her head.  “You represent my private life.  I don’t want them seeing the private me, I just want them to see the professional me – with the lawyer, make them see that I haven’t changed – I’m still the same person they met months ago.”

Kimberley nodded slowly.  “Ok, well, we’ll hang around near to the office then.  You can call me when you get out.”

Cheryl nodded and reached out to touch Kimberley’s cheek.  “I’m sorry this is messing up our holiday”.

Chim- Cant Explain How Im Feeling (Sequel to I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way)Where stories live. Discover now