Chapter 5

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Today I woke up early. I was full excitement to hang out all day with karma. Talking about karma, where is that little devil. I scanned the room and didn't see him. Then I smelled the scent of bacon and eggs. I know where he is now, the chief is cooking.
I ran downstairs and saw him is in apron and the chief hat.

"Mmmm smells good!" I startled him

"Hmm, yeah I'm making breakfast. So ready for today?"

"You act like we're going in a date. This is operation Karma and y/n!" I cheered

"Operation karma and y/n. My rebel is bad at making titles." He sweat dropped


"Jeez you child."

"Jeez you old man." I mimicked

"Just eat." He said and served my food.

*Time skip*

Brushed my teeth check

Bath check

Changed check

Ate check

Fun eh, not really.

I know lets play some video games!

"KARMA LETS PLAY SOME VIDEO GAMES!" Today I just felt bubbly and cheerful

"What did you do with y/n from 3-E?" He asked

"Awe, you don't like me." I fake pouted

"That's not what I said." Karma patted my head " what video games do you have?"

"Call of duty? I'll beat you 24/7." I stuck my tongue out playfully

"You wish~" karma cooed

"I'll bet!"

Time skip, I got lazy I'm sorry...😓

"Ha I win!" I yell

"By 1 point!" Karma argued

"Yeah but I still won didn't I?"

"Yeah, don't worry y/n I'll win your heart~"

"...yeah, well I'll bet on that too!" I blushed and turned away

"57% already there~" Karma teased

"Shut it red head!"

"Well what do you wanna do now?"

"This is gonna sound stupid but, lets make a 'newscast'"

"What? What does that even mean?"

"Let's act~" I teased him

"Hey watch it y/n, you don't want me to do any thing weird do you?" He cooed sedutively

"Alright put your phone to record!"

"This is stupid." He replied

"Hello good morning this is y/n and lazy ass sidekick besides me." I said pointing to karma

Karma X Reader (completed with lemon)Where stories live. Discover now