8. don't mess with his plans or his girl

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She sighed as she walked down the hallways and towards the locker room Arkham had gladly provided their Ward A employees.

She unlocks it and got the pink IPhone that sat there turned off. She impatiently turned it on and hid it in between her breasts. She pretended like she was looking in there for something; her hands grasping at nothing before she swiftly closed and locked it.

She jumped as she turned around and found a fellow employee looking through their locker. It was one of the new girls, and she was suspiciously sniffing something loudly. She ignored her as she proceeded to walk out of the cold room.

Her footsteps came to a halt as she was met with a tall blonde blocking the exit with two other girls flanking her. The tall busty blonde being the one from earlier. She locked the door and turned towards her with a menacing glare.

"So girls, this is the little slut who thinks she's in charge around here. Thought I'd let her walk off after threatening me," she spat out as she stepped toward her; her red heels clanking on the floor loudly.

She had no time for this.

"Really?" Said the thinner dirty blonde with murky eyes that were drowned in dark eyeliner. "So this is the little queen around here. Joker's girl? How? I mean, come on, she's too young to even know how to properly please a man, especially a man like the Joker," she laughed out loud just imagining it. "Must have learned some tricks early on," she sneered in disgust.

"She isn't even that pretty," came the bored voice of the ebony haired one with darker skin amd piercing eyes that were like the color of cold frost. She smacked on gum obnoxiously as she looked her over.

"I need to go. I have no time for this!" Jolene exclaimed frustrated. "Let me through!" She demanded.

"Not before you learn your lesson slut!" Came Nadia's hateful affirmation.

"Really? You all want to jump me? For what? I haven't done shit to you." Was this seriously happening right now.

"Nadia," came the voice of the brunette who had been witnessing the whole ordeal. Her deep set blue eyes were set in a glare. "Let the girl go. This ain't high school. Stop it with your mean girls bullshit." She told the fuming blonde exasperated as she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Ciara. This is none of your God damn business." Naida told her as her icy gaze went back to Jolene who just wanted to do what the Joker had ordeded her to do. She just wanted the rest of her day to finish off smoothly.

"It ain't. But it would be such a loss to see you all go," she tutted sarcastically. "Oh no. It wouldn't. Keep doing what you're doing. You're dead once the Joker gets word that your messing with his girl." She shrugged out indifferently.

"I'm doing him a favor actually," Nadia replied adamantly, but the other two girls were looking at each other in realization. The pretty exotic one stepping closer to Nadia.

"She's actually right," said the black haired girl with wide eyes trying to get her friend to see. "I am not risking it."

"Oh come on. Why would he kill us for her? She's replaceable, and it could be one of us." She exclaimed hopefully.

She didn't have time for this! She didn't want to be in trouble.

She grabbed onto Nadia's hair angrily and brought her knee up hard connecting it hard with her face and receiving a pain filled screech.

And it all went to hell from there.

The room was filled with high pitched screams as they tried to pull them off of each other. "You stupid bitch! I told you to get out of my way!" She screamed punching her repeatedly as she straddles her twisting torso.

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