5. Consequences

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Take your hatred out on me
Make your victim my head
You never ever believed in me
I am your tourniquet -M.M

She landed on the palm of her hands and knees painfully.

Before she was even able to look up, a hand gripped her hair harshly yanking her up making her shriek. He let out a maniacal laughter as he hauled her up. The metal door shutting close behind her. The loud bang ringing endlessly in her head.

"I heard you were leaving," came his voice that sounded childlike. He stared down at her condescendingly. His blue eyes cold and icy. "And you haven't been here in days. I let that slide, but not this."

She could only stare up like a deer caught in the headlights.

"I only like chasing if I'm allowed ta chase." His nose skimmed  down the base of her neck as he held her impossibly close to him. His bare chest pressed against her front. "But as you can see that's quite difficult inside a box." His eyes looked around in his room in distaste. "And then I hear you're out having fun without me," he pouted and tutted in mock disappointment, but deep inside there was an ugly type of anger growing and growing and it needed an outlet. "Sitting on strangers like some easy little slut. I thought ya had some class in you baby."

"It-It wasn't even like that," she whined out. "Honestly!" She cried out hysterically lying through her teeth naturally so.

"Then what was it like? I don't see it any other way. You were out whoring around. I made it very clear around here that you were mine. It's my fault really, I should've made it clear to ya too." He grinned down at her as her breath got stuck in her throat. Her heart was pounding hard, and she can hear it her ears. She was scared out of her mind.

"You weren't going to come today. To me. And that's a no, no. If I don't want to see you, I'll tell ya. But you- you're my brand. new. toy," he smiled down at her with pure excitement growing in his feral eyes. "And I didn't even get to sink my teeth into it yet."  Came his snickering voice and before she knew it, his metal teeth were sinking into the base of her neck.

She screamed out in surprise and that soon turned into sobs of pain. Blood slid down her pale skin staining her shirt as tears slid down her flustered cheeks. What the hell was he doing?!? She knew she was in trouble, but she didn't expect this.

"Fucking hell! Get off of me you maniac. You're the fucking Joker not Jeffery Dahmer." She managed to get out despite the throbbing pain. She stood still not wanting to make it more painful and get mauled up even more. That would leave a painful reminder.

He yanked his mouth off of her and looked at her pain struck face. He laughed out loud tilting his head; his tongue swiping the blood from his mouth quickly tasting the familiar irony flavor.

She watched as his tongue wiped away her blood, watched as he enjoyed it. He looked wild, so insane. Everything they described him to be. What kind of man took pleasure in this? Felt good about all of what he does. Felt it was necessary. How can someone have no conscious; guilt? "You're right. I am the Joker." He stated as if coming out of some trance. His cold azure eyes disconnecting from her dark ones. His palm connected with her wet cheek in a strong sudden motion that left her disoriented for a moment. His strength was undeniable, and she felt every bit of it. Her cheek heating up in numbness.

Had he really just backhanded her?

Even though, she heard about all he was capable of, knew he was locked up in here for a reason, she couldn't believe it. Sure, she barely met him up close, but her first impression of him hadn't been bad.

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