Part 4 : The New Team : Team Erza

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Last time on fairy tail

Natsu : but she's a weakling

Mira : Natsu how dare you say that about are nakama.

Fairy tail wizards : yeah Natsu leave your nothing like family anymore .

5 days after Natsu left fairy tail

Lucy : sad look

Mirajane : ! are you still sad about Natsu , Lucy ?

Lucy : I don't know why , I shouldn't be sad about a guy who used me right !

Lisanna : I wouldn't be sad about a boy who would do that to me either especially if they used me for a team replacement.

Gray : he deserved it anyway .

Lucy : ( keys shining ) !

Lisanna : Lucy is something wrong ?

Loke : ( comes out of his own gate )

Gray : loke !

Loke : Lucy what did Natsu do to you ?

Lucy : he beat me up just because I wasn't strong in his team I left to learn new magic so he wouldn't have to save me and he didn't care .

Loke : why didn't you call me to come and help you ?

Romeo : yeah Lucy why didn't you use your magic on him ?

Lucy : ! ( sad look ) if I did hurt him everyone would really think that I'd actually do it , I care for my guild members so much to hurt them .

Loke : still Lucy if you'd call me out to help you then I'd show everyone the truth just like Acnologia did .

Lucy : ( sad look )

Happy : well I don't care anymore he's not in this guild hall at least we should make a new team ?

Erza : yeah since natsu's not here anymore I think we should call it team Lucy since Lucy has learned requip magic.

Lucy : why not team Erza or team Gray both of you are the most powerful one's.

Wendy : I think it's okay Lucy-San !

Lucy : but who was 2nd in command on Natsu's Team.

Erza : oh you're right Lucy I see your point , we'll call it team Erza .

Gray : okay I'm all right with 4 girls on the team

Wendy : we'll be the strongest team even without Natsu after what he's done.

Guild members : horray for team Erza

Wendy : I picked a job flier for us ?

Erza : ! okay Taking down a dark guild - Sharktooth

Location : Wood village

Reward : 2,000 jewel

Erza : okay guys let's go

Mirajane : have fun you guys

Sharktooth guild : well well if it isn't the fairy tail guild hall , get me boy's.

Lucy : Requip Fire armor

Erza : wow Lucy your fire amor almost looks like my flame empress armor. Speaking of flame empress armor !

Gray : Ice make : Lance

Lisanna : Animal Soul : Tigress

Wendy : Sky dragons Roar

Sharktooth Guild : ATTACK

After defeating the dark guild

Customer : ( smiles) thank you fairy tail wizards here's your reward.

Lucy : ( smiles ) Arigato

Customer : goodbye

Lucy : ( gets a vision about Natsu coming to her house to kill ) !

Carla : ( has Lucy's same vision ) LUCY

Wendy : Carla what's wrong ?

Lucy : ( runs in the guild hall terrified )

Gray : Lucy what's the matter !

Carla : Lucy , did you have a vision ?

Lucy : ( nods yes )

Erza : what was in your vision ?

Lucy : Natsu , was waiting at my house , and he was going to beat me and trying to kill me for getting him kicked out of the guild hall .

Carla : that was the same vision I had .

Lisanna : ( runs to Lucy's house )

Mirajane : Lisanna where are you going ?

Lisanna : to Lucy's house , lucy stay here in the guild hall okay !

Gray : not just you Lisanna we're going with you ?

Makarov : half of you go to Lucy's house , Lucy you stay here !

At Lucy's house

Erza : so Carla's vision was right , you were going to be at Lucy's house .

Gray : what do you want with her Natsu ?

Natsu : just to apologize to her .

Carla : why should we believe you , because that's not what I saw in my vision .

Natsu : ( crap I forgot about Carla's visions )

Gray : you will stay away from fairy tail , and you will stay away from Lucy understand.

Natsu : okay fine I'll leave , tell lucy that I'm sorry ?

Gray : like hell we'll tell her .

Erza : just leave her alone Natsu you're not in fairy tail anymore

Natsu : leaves Lucy's house.

Gray : ( whispers) what is wrong with that guy ?

Erza : I don't know gray , he was the one who invited her to fairy tail too.

End of part 4

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