Chapter 1

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Jessica's POV

I woke up and felt hungry so I put up my hair in a ponytail and got my unicorn slippers (the clothes are the pjs that she is wearing and the rest is what she is doing). I walked downstairs and saw Shawn siting on the couch. "Hi" I said an went to the kitchen, I made myself a sandwich and then I went and sat down next to Shawn. I quickly ate and then we just sat and watched the tv a little while. I went and put away my plate and when I got I saw Shawn on my phone. I don't really get mad cause I don't have anything to hide really.
-Shawn what are you doing? I asked siting down next to him.
-I didn't know you could sing, he said.
-I haven't really said anything  cause it's not anything I've thought about, I said in defense and we laughed.
-I'm going to meet the guys from MAGcon today, do you wanna come?, he asked.
I've never met the before so why not I thought.
-Sure I can, I said.
-Go get ready then or maybe you wanna go in you're Mickey Mouse pjs?, he said and laughed.
-You are so funny, I said and went upstairs.

*word count*

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