The last battle

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"Sam" Emily called as she spotted him near a stream. "My lady" he yelped as he ran forward and hugged Emily with tears in his eyes. "Aren't you happy to see me?" Ellie smirked as she hugged Sam. Frodo was in tears as he saw the two ladies, they hugged him tightly. "My lady, I am out of words to see you here" Frodo said as he kissed Emily's hand. "I'm here to take you to that mountain, I'm here to complete the quest with you" Emily said as the company moved forward.

Legolas has already stepped his foot on the dark mountains of Mordor when he got the news of the battle. The army needs him but he have to look for the lady, Legolas was torn between choosing with a heavy heart he decided to go back to the battle he knew that if he didn't go back his friends might die in the battle and if Emily ever come to know that she would never forgive herself. She might not forgive Legolas either and he knew in his heart as long as the ring is with her she will be safe and if she ever gets stuck in Mordor she can always wish to go back home with the help of the magical stone.

The climb to the mountain top was hard work, the two ladies and the hobbits had to suffer a lot it was a very dry and dusty land nothing grew there. It was dark and gloomy with ashes and rocks and dark stones all around. "I feel like we are on a set of a horror movie" Ellie grumbled. "But my heart is light because the lady is here" frodo smiled. "Wasn't, Gollum with you both?" Emily asked as Sam began to narrate all about Gollum's tricks. "I'm glad he's gone forever" frodo said under his breath.

As legolas reached the battlefield Merry, pippin, Aragorn, Roland, Gimli and Gandalf were so happy. "We have our best bow man with us" Gandalf yelled. Legolas couldn't belief his eyes the orcs were huge and their numbers were uncountable but in his heart he always thought of Emily. He wished she was safe, he regretted he couldn't be with her but as a young elf Prince he fought bravely and confidently.

As the ladies and the hobbits reached the top of the volcanic mountain it was hot as hell. They couldn't breathe but the star that frodo carried guided them in the dark. Ellie and Emily laid on the rock outside the main entrance of the cave 'we need to rest a while but there's no time to waste you both go in" Emily gasped. The hobbits went in, it was a huge cave and under their feet was the hot red volcanic lava. The same fire in which the ring of Sauron was made, they both looked down in terror.

"Throw it" Sam yelled but frodo had a change of heart as he saw the ring on his hand. As Sam tried to throw the ring into the fire frodo pushed Sam and he hit his head. "It's mine" frodo yelled as he put the ring on his finger, Sam was terrified what has his master done he thought at that moment Gollum appeared he fought frodo and bit off his finger taking the ring from frodo. Frodo screamed in pain as Emily and Ellie got in hearing his scream, they saw frodo and Sam on the ground and Gollum with the ring "my precious" Gollum yelled.

Emily and Ellie tried to take the ring away from Gollum but he was strong and as he touched Emily "Ouch! it burns" Gollum yelled stepping back from Emily. "Give us the ring" Emily yelled. "Never" Gollum laughed. As Gollum was about to put the ring on his finger Ellie kicked him and in a wink of an eye he fell into the fire. "We have to run now" Emily yelled as she grabbed frodo's hand and Ellie grabbed Sam's.

Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Merry, pippin, Roland, Elrond and Gandalf along with their armies were surrounded by the army of orcs they were out numbered once more but this time they had no where to escape. "I can't belief I'd be dying fighting next to men and elves" Gimli gasped. "What about side by side with an friend?" Legolas smiled. "This is our last battle let's give it our best" Gandalf yelled. "In life or in death to serve the truth" Elrond lifted up his sword. Roland thought of Ellie and smiled one last time. "For frodo" Merry and pippin yelled.

Legolas hold his chain that he wore on his neck one last time, the same one which Emily gave him during her last visit. 'I promised you I'd love you for eternity and so shall I, even after my death my soul will still love you forever my lady' Legolas gasped looking towards the mountain at that very moment the earth began to shake, loud trembling sound was heard. The eye of sauron began to scream in pain and agony as it burst out, the tower began to fall down and a heavy earthquake came upon the ground. The orcs began to scream in horror and run but they couldn't escape. The earth cracked and all the orcs fell into the pit, the company rejoiced in happiness as Sauron was defeated the ring was destroyed and now the enemies have died.

But the volcanic mountain began to tremble and it erupted. 'Frodo' Merry and pippin yelled in terror. 'My lady' Gandalf gasped. Legolas fell down on his knees he knew that Emily was on that mountain. Gimli was in tears, Aragorn couldn't belief his eyes, Elrond heart sank, Roland stood in terror. They won the battle but the people they love were on that mountain. 'Gandalf, do something we have to go there' Legolas cried. Gandalf called his Eagles to carry them to the mountain to search the lady and her friends.

There was no escape for Emily, Ellie, Sam and frodo. As they sat upon a huge rock, Emily knew she could use the stone to travel back but she could only take one of them and she can't leave the other two to die like that and she don't know how the ring would protect her in this situation, she just laid down on the rock next to Sam. At last the quest was complete she didn't care what happens next, she saved middle-earth her heart was in peace.

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