Chapter One

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                  I watied patiently for the household to go to sleep. I already knew that my "precious" little brother was snug asleep in his bed and the servants were done with work, my parents were still in the sitting room either talking about the "good old days" or how to fix me. I cracked my door open to hear what they were talking about.

"I imagined this was a phase, but she's getting worse Narcissa," my father, Lucius commented. They were talking about me. My mother, Narcissa, stood up from her chair to stand next to my father by the enormous fire place.

"Now dear, she's still very young, she'll change and when the Dark Lord returns she'll see the error of her ways, but we have to let her find her own way, if we force her she'll leave us and she's my only daughter, I can't loose her," my mother spoke softly.

"Why can't she be like her brother?" my father asked with a small strain in his voice.

"I don't know darling, when the Dark Lord returns maybe she can have a little chat with Aunt Bellatrix," mother offered.

"Bellatrix is in Azkaban but I've been ensured that she will be released and once she is free she will talk with Ellisar," father promised. "Let's go to bed Narcissa," he suggested. My mother followed my father up the stairs and once the steps stopped I knew that it was safe. Quietly, I shut my door, grabbed my bag looked at myself in the mirror. I tied my brown hair in a messy bun that would shame my family and my clear green eyes looked exhausted but this was something I needed to do before I had to go back to Hogwarts. Slowly and quietly I opened my bedroom door and tip toed to the front door, without making any creaking sound.

"Elli? What are you doing out of bed?" Draco asked me, tiredly.

"Draco, go back to bed," I ordered him, but Draco wasn't likely to take orders from me, he crossed his arms across his chest. He was three years younger than I and at the time his age was 14 - the defiant age.

"And why should I?" he sneered.

"Because if you don't, I'll tell Mother and Father that you still pee the bed and then they won't let you go back to Hogwarts," I sneered back; Draco's face went from already kind of pale to really pale.

"Please don't, I'll go back to my room and I won't tell on you, just don't tell Mother and Father," he begged, I smirked at him. Draco went back to his room and I continued out the door and into the brisky cold night.

         After shutting the front door I moved stealthly to the towering bushes that surrounded my house and from there I extracted my broom, I was only a sixth year but I knew how to fly a broom. My legs mounted the wooden broom and soon after I was levitating in the air, my torso leaned forward to increase the speed; the brisky air gave my naked arms goosebumps as I flew through the air. Once I saw my destiniation, I landed my broom and hid it in a hallow tree then protected the tree with small spell. I knew I was breaking all the rules but the Ministry always gave the Malfoy's a pass of breaking those small rules, just as long as a muggle didn't see me or any of us do it. My hands grabbed the bag and swung it over my back and my feet started on a mile trek to the Orphanage.

     That was how my parents wanted to fix me, My personality didn't match the "Malfoy way" as my father would put it. I had been kind and respectable, I'm not evil like my kid brother or rude or crude. I'm a nice, respectable, smart and caring and I love muggles, I'm not at all like my family and that's how they want to "fix me" but I was happy the way I was. In the bag were toys and old books that my family were going to throw out because they were muggle books. The family that ran the Orphanage were muggles also and they were my dearest friends. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for their son Thomas to open the door, he was head of the Orphanage because his father died of a muggle sickness called cancer and while his mother was mourning he quit school to take over the Orphanage and he's done wonderful things with it. The door opened and Thomas was still in his working clothes,  he released a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Thomas," I greeted him softly.

"Ellisar, so good to see you, please come in come in," he pleaded, Thomas was eighteen years old, he was taller than me but then again I was two years younger than him. He had chocolate brown hair that was kind of curly, hazel eyes and  pale skin. Thomas shook my hand but quickly took it back, I looked down at it and didn't see anything that was different about it. "Your hands are cold, did you walk here?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was the only way I could come but I don't mind walking, I enjoy seeing the town at peace. I brought the books and toys that I promised you." I handed him the bag that had been slung over my back. Thomas opened the bag and his eyes widen disblieveing what was in the bag, he pulled out a doll that looked like it had never been touched but in actuality it was broken but I found an old book of spells in my parent's room and practiced a few cleaning and repairing spells on the books and toys. "This looks untouched, did you ever play with dolls as a girl?" he asked; holding up a rag doll that I got from a muggle when I was little girl.

"Of course I did, I just took the greatest care with her, she was my favorite and I treated her like she was real but when I found it she only had a few marks on her so I cleaned her up and knew she would be safe here." Thomas opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a small tired voice.

"Elli? Is that you?" a little angel stood at the foot of the stairs, with sun golden curls hung down past her shoulders and rosy red cheeks and beautiful ocean blue eyes. Little Annie was my favorite little girl. I walked over to her with the little doll in my hand still, she was only three years old and her parents abandoned her when she was an infant. I picked her up and let her snuggle against my cold body, I enjoyed being loved by someone in this world.

"How have you been my little angel?" I asked softly.

"Good, is that dolly for me?" she asked; I raised my other hand that contained the doll.

"Yes it is, this was my dolly when I was your age and now I've decided to give it to you, but you have to promise me that you'll take really good care of it, okay? Now you should go back to bed and I'll see you during my Christmas vacation, be a good girl okay?"  I set Annie back  on her feet and gave her a soft pat on the head.

"Good night Elli, goodnight Thomas," she yawned  and headed back up the stairs, once she was out of view Thomas spoke.

"Your parents are sending back to that boarding school?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be going there until I'm seventeen, another year until I'm done but in all honesty, I'm going to miss it a little bit.  Speaking of going, I should get back, I'll talk to you later, alright, sleep Thomas, you need it," I headed for the door but before I could reach it Thomas wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

"You are the kindest soul I have ever met," he whispered, the comment made my tummy all tingly, my muscles relxed in his embrace, we stood there in silence for the longest time. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we got married, I didn't have romantic feelings for him yet but I was sure that they would come eventually and once we were married we would adopt Annie and I would work alongside him at the Orphanage and sure my parents would disown me but I knew it would all be worth it. Thomas extracted his arms and let me go outside and back to my home, I held my wand out and called for my broom, flew home and went to sleep in my comfortable bed and let my dreams take me under.

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