Time for the exams

Start from the beginning


Yea I kn-"

" just shut up OK I'll tell u everything cause both a y'all voices annoying as fuck so will u just shut the hell up before blow everybody's eardrums off . damn!!! "

" damn it in didn't even get to the annoying song " I said with a pout

›››»»flash back end ««‹‹‹

Now here we are looking at our sexy sensei in eye as he give a speech I could care less about why is he so hawt

'Ugh notice me sempai ' jaiyah and though in unison ( oooh someone has the hots for their sensei ~_^ )

"- good luck and try not kill to many people " taka-sensei said then mumbled to himself " out of all the teams I get stuck with the blood thirsty chocolate obsessed red , her mental blood thirsty sister and a shifting blood thirsty back sassing raven head why me I'm to young for this "

*sweat drop*

" hey I'm not mental how dare u !!"

"U know we could hear u right and I kind of oblivious u don't like us u never do anything u make us to all the work u man hoeing lazy ass " dai-chan said ( I'm changing the spelling of his name from now on it daisuke not diasuke )

" whatever " taka-sensei mumbled

Then jai and dai-chan open the doors and I prepared to scream out my awesomeness


"*face palm* do u always have to draw attention to yourself your supposed to be an assassin and they are quiet " DT said

" *pout* how could u you did it without me " sis said and I just grinned I could feel everyone glaring at me.but I could care less beside I could wipe out there punk ass in seconds 'now where's that snake pedophilic bastard' I thought lookin around oh god he's looking at me gaara is looking at me play it cool ah ha there u are u Dingus though u could hide huh with your

With your sneakidy sneaky snakes huh huh

Iiiiiiiii seeeee yoooouuuuu

Then I notice sasuke about to talk to kabuto so I signalled my team to follow

" gaara of the desert and rock Lee of the leaf and while you at lock up team 12 " sasuke said

" awwwwww u wanna know about us " jai said

" your so sweet u could of just asked "

" not like we would tell u anyway ",dai-chan said putting his Hands in his pockets

" so u know there names thats no fun "
Kabuto the side how said pushing up his glasses like the mofo he is .

" let's see rock Lee ( author-senpai = I forgot wat he said and I'm too lazy to watch it over ^•^) bla bla bla genin talk talk didn't take it last year imma gay motherfucker etc . now let see gaara of the dessert it says here that there a rooky from another land an

" it kind obvious that there from another land I bean his be is gaara of THE SAND -

" thank you it says here that they did 23 -D ranks , bla bla C ranks and get this one b rank as a genin his team mates are temari and Konkuro now for 12 .... Wow this is " he said and we smirked

" it what " sasuke said being impatient

" team twelve youngest people to ever make the bingo book "


" also there the number 1 assassination group in the leaf known as that death squad the members are jaiyah nataka or the bloody Meister known for her master or weaponry mental torture, daisuke takeda or the shifter known for his ability to shape shift into animals and shiami nataka . also know as... The demonic angel known for her look of innocence but demon like personality the last thing you see before you die is her piercing red eyes and demonic smile .

They've done 54 - D ranks ,22 -C ranks 40 - B ranks , 32 - A ranks!!?, and 3 Sranks that's impossible !!!??? Your only genin??!!"

" yeah and said the demonic angel has red eyes and shiami's eyes are.purple "

They all looked at me to explain but did was give them a sadistic give and flash my red eyes.

They all looked at me to explain but did was give them a sadistic give and flash my red eyes

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" man what drag I hope I don't have you . I'll actually have to do some work this whole thing is such a pain "



Me : welcome to behind the book

Jaiyah : isn't it behind the scene ?

Me : does this look like movie -_-' ?

Sasuke : she has a point

Shiami : I'm sorry do we know you

Daisuke :: I don't believe I've meet u

Sasuke : your kidding me right ?

Me : I'm sorry sir but how did u get here this private paper property

Jaiyah : what your name I'm sure we can help u fund your way home

Sasuke : don't be fund its me sasuke

Me : I'm sorry did u say sasugay

Sasuke : sasuke

Shiami : saucekay


Daisuke : Gee's saucetray no need to get hostile -_-'

Sasuke : SASUKE DAMMIT! Sasu - Ke !!

Me : OK OK we get it your name is sausage no need to shout .

Sasuke : fuck this shit . I'm out * storm out of the room *

Me : hahahahahahahaha u shouldve seen his face it was to funny

Daisuke : oh god and when we called him sausage hilarious * Lmao *

Shia&jai : hope u enjoyed the chap if not then guess what we don't have any fucks to spare so bye~♥

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