dashi sensei how about that

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PS the pic is shiami . I know she looks bad ass just pretend she looks a little younger like you know 12.
Enjoy the story <3
P.S - I'm a very lazy person so there are a lot of time skips and as for the fight scenes there gonna of shit because its gonna be in my POV and I'm cray cray so.....
You have been warned.


P.P.S I dont own naruto only my oc's and gaara and sasuke's heart
P.P.P.S this does not follow the actual story line.

Story start

Sasuke's POV ( time skip to squad arrangements)

I'm pissed that shiami girl is so freaking annoying . how the hell is related to jaiyah shiami's a monster and jaiyah's a sweet , funny , caring cu- no no way sasuke don't think like that she just an ordinary girl that looks like a goodness OK that's enough .

Shiami POV

Hehheh I don't know how but I heard every thing sasuke just though don't get me wrong I will get my revenge for him calling me a monster .....

Maybe later I should eat some chocolate

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

"Team 12 " iruka said 'oh shizz I zoned out "jaiyah nataka , diasuke takeda and shiami nataka and that's it " as soon as iruka sensei finished diasuke and naruto stood and yelled in perfect sync " why does a great ninja like me have to be on the same team as him/her "

Before iruka could give his speech I stood and said " just don't get in get in my way ...loser"
And sasuke looked pissed because I stole what he was going to say .

Diasuke : what did you say short stuff !!!! And you why did I have to stuck on team with two girls .!??!???!!!!!

Shiami & jaiyah: Got A Problem With That Pretty Boy !!!!?!

Iruka : Enough !!!!!!!!!

Time skip * because I can*

Here we are waiting for our sensei while heatedly glaring at each other me and jai are glaring at diasuke while he's glaring at us .

Jaiyah was the first to break the silence " this is pointless we should try to get along I mean we are on the same team "

Diasuke : whatever

Shia: ughhhh don't tell me your .... You're emo aren't you.

Diasuke : what noo!!

Jai : we should get a nickname for you right shia

Shia : what the fuck is taking so long!!!!?!

Jaiyah & diasuke *sweatdrops*

"Great just great I'm stuck with a bipolar candy obsessed tomato ,her crazy sister and a sexist pretty boy."

"What did you call me shit head"
I said with a deadly aura around me.

"Well look at this Kitty got claws"
He said

"I like you are you new sensei "
I said with a cherry voice making everyone sweat drop .

"Yes my name is takadashi "

"Cool can I call kada sensei"


"Taka sensei"


"Canicallyoudashisensei" I sad so fast he got confused.

"Yes?" He said not being sure if that's the correct answer.


"What just happened'

"She played you" said jai

"Huh?" Sensei said

"You just said she could call you dashi sensei"

"Dammit.. Now on with introductions . let's start with tomato"

'Fuck you shithead sensei "


"What the fuck sis why you gotta hit me so ".

"Be nice"

"Crazy bitch" I said under my breath.


"'Owwwww ." I said while clutching my hard in pain."fine my name is shiami nataka I like sweats and other stuff my hobbies are singing making people laugh and making people feel pain then laughing at their pain and my dislikes are to many to list and my dream is to marry a certain someone " I said with a blush on my face.

"Oh god don't tell me your another one of that dipshits fangirls "

"What no fuck off I don't like him besides I like red heads"

*Cough gaara Cough*


"Now you pretty boy" said shithead sensei.

"Ass .. My name is diasuke my like are non of you business and anything else about me you shouldn't concern yourself with"

" now you " sensei said painting to my sister.

"Hi my name is jaiyah I like stuff my hobbies are doing stuff and singing my dislike are many and my dreams are none of your business".

"Alright now that I know you all and we've gotten to know each other we'll start our exercise tomorrow how does that sound"

"Woah. Woah. Woah.... Wait youuuu never introduced yourself" I said getting all up in his face.

" fine my name is takadashi....................................

The end."

When he finished his almighty speech he told us where to meet and then he disappeared nah I'm just kidding he walked off . then the three of us decided to go get dango to get to know each other better . on the way I got bored so I started sing a song I remembered.

"Baby baby baby ooooooooh
Like baby baby baby ooooooooooh like baby baby baby ooooooooh " and shiami just kept singing those same words over and over again while diasuke and jaiyah are getting very annoying that they started yelling at her to stop singing but she wouldn't listen.
She then bumped into someone falling back on her butt .
" ow" I muttered
"Tch , watch were your going . oh its you " he said walking away not even apologising (sp?)
While he starting walking away I got to my feet and a tick mark on my forehead while my hair stated floating and the others watched in amusement .
" hey jackass you gonna apologize" I said with venom dripping from my words he turned around and said "why should I " with that cocky smirk on his face 'I swear one day I'm gonna wipe cocky smirk off his stupid face' I thought " that's it" I said lounging at him only to be stopped by DT yeah that's what I'll call diasuke (A\N dt stands for diasuke takeda)
"It isn't worth it shia " DT said

"Yeah your right ..hey when did you start calling me shia ?"
"Just now" was his only reply

"You're all a bunch of losers " king of the emo ducks said

"Does that mean you calling me a loser to sasu-chan ?" My sister said with a sweet smile .
"Tch" was all he said as he walked away but swear I saw a blush on his face..

Wait he have a thing for my sis.
*evil laugh*
I'm going to use this to my advantage. Muahahahahahahhaahahaha


Longest chapter Eva please comment vote and share I would really appreciate it and if you guys stick around long enough at the end of the story I'll show a pic of me and my super best friend . so stick because the crazy is about to come.

Later loves <3~

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