The Sorting

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Scorpius POV/:
When the train ride ended, a large voice yelled "firs' years!" I had to go out and as I walked out I saw Rose so I pushed people out of the way so she wouldnt see me. When I walked out of the train I saw that the booming voice came from Giant man. "firs' years follow me!" We all followed him to these boats and we had to fit three in each. I sat with Albus and this Irish boy Sean. I saw that Rose sat with Alice Longbottom and Stephanie Thomas. From the way that she looked at me on the train I could tell that her dad had told her the same thing mine told me. To stay away from me. About half way through the boat tour thing, Alice fell out the boat and Hagrid had to help get her back into the boat but, before he got there Rose had already pulled her out. She saved a girls life from a giant squid. She was a nice person who thought I was a bad person but, who could blame her. I was a Malfoy, its kinda in our blood to be pure jerks. When we got to the school, we all got out of the boats and walked down the hallway to the doors of the great hall. Professor McGonagall walked us in and said what we to do. Then she started calling names. "Rose Weasley!" I thought to myself that she would be in Gryffindor I mean, look at her family line. "RAVENCLAW!" I was shocked and so was she but, she got up off the stool and went to her table. "Scorpius Malfoy!" I walked up to the hat and it sat on my head for quite awhile trying to make a decision. Finally it said "SLYTHERIN!" "Of course." I muttered under my breath. "Albus Potter!" I knew he would probably be in Gryffindor. "SLYTHERIN!" Albus looked even more confused than Rose did. But he came over and sat next to me. Alice got into Gryffindor and so did Stephanie.

After the feast we followed the Slytherin prefect to our house in the dungeons. Weird place for it in my opinion. I mean not all slytherins are bad so not all of us belong in the dungeons! When the prefect said to remember the password I wasn't really listening but I trusted that Albus was. When we walked in we were greeted to a dark common room with dark green furniture and a cold fire that was to help with cold. It did help a little but it was still freezing. He directed where the boys sleep and said that we should go there now so that we weren't tired for classes tomorrow. We all went upstairs and got ready for bed. Albus didn't even mind changing before he went to sleep. He just got in under the covets of his bed and slept. I mean I get that's he upset for being a Slytherin but he's gonna be one for seven years so he best get over it.

Us Slytherins have two classes with Ravenclaws. Potions and Herbology. I mean surprisingly, I'm a pretty good student. Not surprisingly, Rose was too. I mean we're just supposed to ignore each other but we seem to compete in classes. Were the only two who ever raise our hands in class and they take turns picking us but we just want them to always pick us not the other one. We weren't enimies then but I might've messed it up in the middle of year when it was Christmas break and we both had to stay along with Albus, and his older brother James.

So Rose and James would hang out together cause Albus didn't want to leave me alone. We would have the stupidest conversations and play loads of wizard chess (which I always won) but while he went to use the restroom I would study for when term started again so I could beat Rose every time. James decided to have some fun with the two of us and decided to have some sort of contest to see who was smarter. We were tied every round and then the one thing I didn't know was the next question and she answered it correct and then it sort of all spilled out.
"Of course you got the question right I mean, after living with your stupid mudblood of a mother it was bound to rub off on you." I knew it was bad as soon as I said it but I tried to stay confident in what I said. She got up from off the ground and ran away crying cause I could tell she knew someone was bound to bring that up. After she was out of the common room Albus got up and went after and as soon as everyone was out of ear shot James punched me. Right in the bloody face too. I mean it hurt but, I deserved it so I didn't fight back. I'm a lover not a fighter.

Now, me and Rose Weasley were mortal enemies at least, she hates me cause I was a jerk. We still battle in classes bit now she answered without getting called on so I'm sure not to get anything out. We ignore each other in halls now except for the occasional glare. I did it. I made Rose Weasley hate my guts.

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