The Hogwarts Express

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Rose's POV/:
Today's the day. Todays the day I get to finally go to Hogwarts! As I'm packing my trunk I'm joined by my younger brother Hugo, who looked joyful yet, upset. "What's wrong, Hugo?" I asked him looking now that he was just upset. "I want to go to Hogwarts to so I won't be alone here." He answered sitting on my bed. "You won't be alone. You'll have mum and dad." I said sitting next to him. "Yeah but, It won't be the same as when we do things. I mean I get that we argue all the time but, I still have fun with you too." I pulled him into a gentle hug. I could see that he needed one. "How about this, I write every week to see what's going on here and you write back to see what going on there?" Hugo looked me in my eyes his brown ones. "Alright." He agreed.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen, to see Mum cooking frantically and Dad rereading my Hogwarts letter again and again.
"What's for breakfast mum?" I asked taking a seat at the table next Hugo. "Pancakes." She replied while putting one on my plate. They looked amazing. "Thanks mum, they look great." I said while cutting it up and looking over at Hugo who had just shoved the entire pancake in his mouth. "Hugo? You alright there?" I asked as he struggled to fit it all the way in his mouth. He nodded and started to gag. "Don't you dare spit that out!" But, of course he did and then I lost my appetite. I pushed my plate away and then Hugo put the pancake back in his mouth and I ran for it. That was discusting.

At the train station, I walked to platforms 9 and 10 and then got cold feet. I was horrified that I was gonna run straight into a wall. My dad could see my sudden paranoia and grabbed onto my cart and counted to three. "One....... two....... three.......!" He pushed my cart and I did too. We ran straight at the wall and my parinoia passed cause instead of going head first into a brick wall I open my eyes and I'm on Platform 9¾! I look around for my cousins and spot them farther down the platform. I could see that one of them had been doing the same. "Rose! Can you believe it? You and My brother are starting your years at Hogwarts. Don't worry there's nothing to be worried about." "Whoa James! Slow down I haven't even got up to everyone else and just you just about had all the conversations with me that four people could've had!" I joked as I hugged him. "Well come on! Everyone can't wait to see you!" He said running down the platform. I looked at my dad who had my cart and nodded for me to go. I followed James down the platform and then I saw my uncle Harry and aunt Ginny. I gave them a hug along with my uncle George and aunt Angelina and my uncle Bill and aunt Fleur. I just realized that I have a lot of uncles and aunts. Who knew? "Hey Rosie how are you doing?" "I'm doing well Uncle George and you?" "I'm well, thank you." I then spotted my other cousins Albus, Lily, Molly, Roxy, Louis, Dominique, Fred, Victorie, and Lucy. We took turns hugging each other and then I saw my dad with my cart. I said my goodbyes to him and mum, uncle Harry pointed to a blonde man and a little boy I guessed to be his son. "Alright Rosie, make sure you beat him at every exam." My mum hit his arm. "Don't turn them against each other before they've even started school." "Just don't get to friendly and try your best to stay away from him." I nodded. I get why they want me to stay away from him but I'll do what my dad says. He only wants to protect me.

As the train started to move everyone opened the windows and waved goodbye to their adults. Lily and Hugo chased the train so Albus and I stayed waving a little longer. When Lily and Hugo had to stop we sat down in a compartment and started talking about random stuff. About five minutes into the ride, the blonde boy came into our compartment. He looked at me the way I felt I wa s looking at him. I could tell his dad told him to stay away from me too. "Can I sit here? No one wants to sit with me." I shook my head at Albus but he said "of course you can." The boy sat down next to him and I was relieved that he hasn't sat next to me. "What's your name?" Albus asked the boy. "Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy." Now I knew why my dad wanted me to stay away from him. "Well I'm Albus, Albus- " "Potter." Scorpius finished for him. "That's me oh and that's Rose." I just looked out the window and stayed quiet. All us kicked my leg so I would say hi or something but Scorpius looked out the window too cause he didn't want me too. After about four minutes of kicking my leg it started to ache so I just got up and left to sit with James and his friends. I knew he wouldn't mind and most of his friends had a crush on me anyways so it be funny to watch them make a fool of themselves.
"James can I sit here?" James moved down the seat to make room for me. "Of course you can cous'." I sat down next to him and as I suspected his friends made complete fools of themselves. It was quite enjoyable. I had a great ride of laughing with James and ignoring Scorpius but soon I'm gonna have to get off and deal with ignoring him again.

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