chapter 6-complete

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Okay, so now I know his name is Axl. Well, I wouldn't doubt it anymore, since Grover yelled for him through the whole school. What did I do or say to make him so jumpy?

When I got to my math class, the short head blonde girl was sitting next to my table. Not again. I give up, I don't care anymore. From now on out, I'm just going to be myself.

"Hi, I'm Raina, what's yours?"
"Kendra, but you can call me Kenny."
For a minute there she looked surprized, but then went on talking.
"We're new to this school. Me, my sister and two brothers. My sister's name is Astrid, and I think you already met my two brothers?"
"Yeah, I have. Didn't really get off on the right foot with Axl, though."
Her smile faded a little, but it came right back, as if nothing happened.
"Maybe you didn't get along now, but if you know him better, maybe you will be friends someday." She sounds very trustworthy. Maybe they're not as bad as they seem.

Adrianne didn't feel very well, so she went home. That means I'm alone for the rest of the day. When break started, I went to an empty table to eat my food in peace. Until Raina and Astrid came and sat next to me. Raina introduced me to Astrid, and we talked very happily to each other. They make me laugh. Maybe we'll be best friends someday. I trust them.

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