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Thank you for tuning into part 2 of ILWMDI

Thanks to Kimchii_desu for the cover. You rock.

Not edited but I felt like I've kept you waiting long enough.

It wasn't even first period and my day had already turned for the worst. I didn't even bother going to homeroom. I'd just get an ass-whooping from Mrs. Laverne for being tardy so I just wandered around the hallways trying to brush off this morning's happenings.

Why does everyone seem to hate me today? I thought. I mean, what have I done? Well, I guess I'm not going to get special treatment just because its my birthday but a 'Gee, happy birthday' would suffice, am I right?

My school isn't very vigilant when it comes to knowing their students' whereabouts; seriously, I've seen some people jump over the right wing fence and have a nice day out. Come back saying they had a dentist appointment or "family emergency," so I think I'm ok. I took a well deserved pee before walking through the same old halls over and over again (of course avoiding my home room). Everyone seemed happy and bubbly but so oblivious sitting in home room chatting. If only I could be like that, I thought. People sure like to live in the present.

Speaking of which, my mum didn't give me a present this morning. I stopped and took a moment. My mum has never forgotten my present on any of my birthdays.

Like my first birthday, my mum went all out. She believes that I was a special gift to her and that gift deserved more gifts. So she got me 3 years worth of toddler fun with extra stuff each year.

My 13th birthday was very memorable in a cringey way. I remember ol' 2009 where if you had one of those flip phones you were the shit. I wanted one more than I wanted to take a pee a moment ago. Then that fateful morning, a flip phone was lying full of opportunities on the end of my bed.

I felt so amazing and wanted to show it off to everyone but then the smartphone began. Everyone had some sort of flashy touchscreen phone and I was stuck with my potato. It was so embarrassing but I knew my mum saved her bus fare and walked the 3 miles to work for a whole 6 months just to give me the privilege of owning such a phone. I kept it until it broke and it made my mum happy and if my mum's happy, I'm happy.

Not right then I wasn't. I couldn't believe she forgot my birthday present. It really disappointed me. Maybe she just forgot, I reasoned, going down the stairs to the rec hall. I hope she just forgot.

Shit. I forgot! We had an assembly. The whole year were sitting tiredly listening to the Principal and Dean drone on in the sport hall. I could see JJ and Luca sitting next to each other hand in hand completely blanked out. Ryder was sitting down in the front right by the treacherous teachers. There were quite a lot of people behind him (obviously curious with his whereabouts rather than mine). His expression was very intent as if he was listening and understanding but not caring.

I was walking past the wide windows that looked over the sports hall and anyone walking past could be seen like torch in the darkness. We are constantly lectured by the Dean about focusing on what he's babbling about rather than the outside world which I strongly disagree with. Without a second thought, I ducked down enough so I couldn't be seen and ran as fast as I could.

Safe, I guess, I thought. How was I giving my mum flak for not remembering my birthday present when I forgot we had an assembly?Mrs. Laverne is definitely gonna have fun spanking my ass.

To keep safe, I sat in the rec girls bathroom. It isn't bad hygiene but apparently some senior girls shave their bits in there so no one dares to go in there.

MORE LIKE SHAVE THEIR HEADS!There was hair everywhere- but none attached to a head except mine. I was safe.

I dusted some hair off the windowsill and I sat down on my phone for a bit then got out Abundance of Katherines (Yes I am a John Green fan).

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