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This is basically what Patronus's I imagine the children of all the heroes would be (also I'm sorry but I'm not gonna include Hugo or Lily cuz they r in different years. I think. Anyways, this is a long one so enjoy!

"So today class, we are going to be practicing Patronus charms. Can anyone tell me what that is?" Professor Carrow scanned the classroom.

"Yes, Scorpius?"

"The Patronus Charm is one of the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive charms known to wizards. It is a very complicated and extremely difficult spell that produces a spirit guardian. It protects you against dementors. You sustain it by thinking of a very happy memory, if the memory is strong, and you can think of it for a longer time, then it is possible to produce a full body Patronus. A full body Patronus takes form into an animal that best matches your personality" Scorpius finished.

"Excellent! 10 points to Slytherin! Now each of you will come up to the front of the class, and attempt a Patronus. Just shout 'Expecto Patronum!' And think of a happy memory. Now of course you aren't ready for a full body Patronus, but let's see what you've got! Scorpius, why don't you go up first?"

Scorpius looked over at Rose who smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He have a nervous smile back.

He walked up to the front of the stage, sweating profusely. Thoughts races through his mind. Then one of them made him smile to himself. It was when e came home one day, he forgot what he was showing his father, (Draco), but whatever it was made his father grin, pick him up and swing him around, something he never did.

"Expecto Patronum!" A silver leopard stretched, and pounced around the room before disappearing.

Rose was beaming, Scorpius's eyes were brimming with excitement and Professor Corrow was gaping.

"S-Scorpius! That was amazing!" Proffesor Carrow sputtered.

"C-can you tell the class what memory you thought of? As an example?"

"My memory was..."

Rose nodded.

"My father being proud of me" Scorpius finished.

A few people were questionable about this, but most people knew how strict Scorpius's father was, and how much he expected of him.

Proffesor Carrow nodded vigorously.

"Yes yes... Very well! Er, Rose! How about you next!"

Rose jumped up to the front of the classroom rather confidently.

She immediately knew what to think of: Her best memory, she was visiting her uncle George

'Hey uncle George!'
''Hey Rose"
'Uncle George?"
"Yes Rosey?"
"How come you never smile or laugh?"

"Rose!" Hermione scolded
"It's ok Hermione" George said
"I lost my other half. It was as simple as that".

"But that's unfair because I never got to see you smile!" She pouted.

George looked at her sadly.


Rose thought for a second before saying, "Hey uncle George, do you go to church?"

George raised an eyebrow.

"No, why would you think-"

"Because you sure are, holey!" She giggled pointing to the side of his head where his ear once was.

George stayed solemn. Then, all of a sudden, without any warning,

he burst out laughing.

Everyone stared.

He was clutching his stomach laughing his head off.

He suddenly grabbed Rose who was beaming.

He sob-laughed into her shoulder.


(You're welcome demowolf )

She suddenly came back to the real world. Confident as always.

"Expecto PATRONUM!" And a Jaguar pounced out of her wand, prancing around the room.

Once again, Proffesor Carrow was speachless.

"B- how- wha-"

"In case you're wondering, the memory was me making someone laugh" she interrupted sassily.

Proffesor Carrow still was having a hard time believing this. "Y-yes of course, err, Albus! Come to the front please?"

Albus walked up to the front of the classroom as Rose walked back to the group of confused people. Anyone can make someone laugh, why was that special??

Albus had a hard time thinking of a memory. Proffesor Carrow must have caught this because he said, "no need to rush, take your time".

Albus nodded and took a deep breath. And he remembered that one time when...

Albus was walking down the hallway when he heard a voice behind him.

'Oh a Potter boy eh?" There was a man in a painting, with long black hair and a pale emotionless face.

"Tell me this boy, why are you inside today hmm? Why don't you play Quidditch and go about stuffing your face with chocolates?"

Albus shook his head.

"You're Proffesor Snape aren't you?"

The man looked taken aback.

"Yes why? So you can stet coming here with your silly little friends and start calling me Snivillous?" He sneered.

Albus shook his head again.

"First of all, I don't play Quidditch, but I do like potions class. Also I don't want to start calling you Snivillious, I was just wondering If you were Proffesor Snape because my father named me after you. My name is Albus Severus Potter"

Snape looked quite pleased and continued discussing about how he liked potions class.

Albus drifted back to the real world. He pointed his wand in the air.

"Expecto Patronum!" A beautiful crow flew through the classroom, before disappearing.

Hey guys, so this is a really long one, and I have been planning this for a while and it took me a total of 2 hours. *bows*

So stuff like this is harder to write, which is why there aren't a lot of these kinds of chapters. So sorry but there won't be many of these.

Luv ya - Crystal

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