Change Part 1

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Ok, so this story was requested my Lilly_longbottom because she is a HUGE dramione fan, (I'm guessing like a lot of you.) Also you should 100% check out her book which about Dramione,(edited my demowolf ), and is an awesome book. :p. So here it is:

Hermione P.O.V.
I slowly boarded the train, not sure of what to expect. I knew that Ron and Harry weren't here... Oh. That's when I remembered how Ron had got together with Lavender Brown. 'I guess we weren't snogging enough' I thought bitterly. I sighed and brushed away the thoughts as I walked down the small corridor on the train. I was about to sit down in an empty carriage when I heard a chirpy voice.

"Hey Hermione. Come sit here!" A light haired girl called from a few seats back. I grinned to find her sitting with Luna and Neville. I gave everyone a quick hug, trying not to trip over when the train started moving. "I didn't see you at the platform this morning" Ginny frowned as I sat back down next to her.

"Yeah sorry bout that... I kinda slept a little late..."
"Oh, okay". Ginny said quietly while looking out the window. I was confused, see the old Ginny would have made some joke or sarcastic comment about how the old me would never sleep late, but this Ginny... Was different.
I guess Neville caught the confusion in my eyes, as he raised his eyebrows. My eyes widened with a mixture of shock and horror. Ginny must still be shaken up about Fred's...Fred's... Death.

I felt so bad for her, poor thing...

Draco Pov

I watched Hermio- G-Granger yeah Granger board the train. I felt horrible. I lost all faith in bloodstatus over the summer. And now thinking back on hat I've done... I can't just go along with it. I have to say something, to let her know I have changed. She probably won't believe me though. I groaned and tried to push away those thoughts.

I boarded the train a little after her. I wish I had gone up quicker though. Unfortunately Hermione scratched the back of her neck, which let me see her wounds carved into her arm by my own blood. My stomach lurched, and I had to stop for a second. I tried to forget what I saw, but I couldn't get it off my mind. Neatly carved words,


Would stay with her forever, corrupting her beautiful pale skin, with red scars.

Hope this was good enough for ya Lilly. Yeah... So this might go on for a while, if I had to estimate I would say about 4-5 parts...? Yeah so you might not be seeing little short stories for a while. Es h part usually takes me an hour, which I spread across two days cuz I'm a lazy jackass. So, murder me all you want.

Actually don't.

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