Ron proposing

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Ron and Mione were sitting on a bench outside a park near her near Hogsmade Village. She was sitting back, enjoying the view while Ron was looking back and forth nervously. After a while he said, "Um, Mione'? I need to ask you something..."

"Yes Ron?" She asked politely, tearing her eyes away from the pink sky.

"Erm... Well"
Hermione raised her eyebrows
Ron shuffled around in his pockets and knelt on one knee. Hermione's eyes widened.

"Mione, I love you. I have since I saw you at the Yule ball, wearing your beautiful gown.  You helped me through hardships, and are probably the brightest witch I know."
Hermione was on the verge of tears now.
"So... Will you marry me?" He slowly took a small box out of his pocket, and raised it up to Hermione. And just as he looked up, he was suddenly tackled by Hermione who held him in a tight hug. "Yes! Yesyesyes!"

Ron let out a sigh of relief into Hermione's bushy hair. She sat up wiping tears from her eyes. He pulled out his wand, and muttered "wingardium Leviosaa"
When the ring did not move, Hermione laughed and whispered.

"It's Leviosah"

And btw I AM a Dramione shipper, I just thought that this would work well with Romione. So don't kill me.

After the War. (Harry Potter short stories)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora