Fight for grades

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"Listen Rosie, see that boy over there? You have to promise to beat him in all you tests, thank god you have your mother's brains!" Ron laughed.

Him and Hermione were sending their kids Hugo and Rose to Hogwarts, and they just spotted Draco Malfoy with his son.

"He seems nice..." Rosie started but Ron immediately cut her off. "Listen Rosie, you can't-"
"Ronald!" Hermione scolded him, "Rosie can be friends with whoever she wants!" She bent down, hugged and kissed her kids goodbye, and sent them off the their first day at Hogwarts.

Rosie noticed that the cabin with Albus, James, and Hugo was pretty full already, besides, she kind of wanted to sit alone anyways.

The train just started moving when there was a knock on the sliding door of the train. Rosie jumped and saw a very tall? Blonde haired boy standing there blushing slightly. "Sorry, do mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full"

"Of course" Rose said, smiling.
"Scorpius"  The boy said, holding out his hand.
"Rose"  She said, grinning.
They talked for a long time, mostly about how they were so excited for Hogwarts. Then the subject of blood status came along.
"So what's your blood status?" Scorpius asked eagerly.
"Well..." Rose looked down at her feet. She didn't know why she felt bad about her mom being a muggle born, she usually was proud of it.
"My- my dads a pure blood but my moms a muggle born..." she rushed out, feeling the blood creep to her cheeks, not knowing why.
"That's cool! I lm a pure blood, but I don't really care about blood status. Scorpius replied, looking out the window.

Rose looked up and smiled. She didn't care what her dad said, because she really liked Scorpius.

The years went by, and the two got quite close. Close enough, that on Rose's 13th birthday, he gave her a present she would never forget.

"Happy birthday Rosie!" Scorpius came stumbling to the snowy bench near Hogsmade. Rose's face lit up with joy when she saw her best friend coming over with a goofy smile on his face.

"Aww! Hey Scorpius!" She smiled looking at his stormy gray eyes. He smiled, but a thought crossed his mind and he gave her an even bigger grin. She looked at him slightly confused, tilting her head to one side.

"I have a present for you" he smiled shyly. "Awww! Thanks Scorps!" She blushed slightly. "What is it?" She asked, Scorpius swiftly moved forward, held her face in his hands. He looked at her chocolate brown eyes, and leaned in closing the gap between their mouths. It was a small, sweet kiss, and it was perfect. Scorpius pulled away, smiling softly, but inside, he was terrified of what Rose was going to do. "So, uh Rosie, I was, err... Wondering-" She grinned and leaned in again, answering his question.

He cupped her chin in his hand, and kissed her back. They pulled away smiling, and she replied, "yes Scorpius, I will be your girlfriend" he let out a sigh of relief that made Rose giggle.

This was the start of the truce between the Malfoys and the Weasley's and Granger's. Rose did listen to her dad about one thing though, she always had higher grades than him.

Some fluff, do you ship it? Hopefully you will after reading this :). I know, this is a long chapter, but I hope you liked it!

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