Chapter nineteen

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With the birth of the twins, we decided to wait a few more days, so that we could enjoy our time as a family, Roman subsequently decided to move the twins bed into his room(pictured above). He was standing by their crib, stroking their backs as I lay on the bed. It had been nearly a week since I had given birth, and Roman was itching to get the wedding done. The more time that passed, the more irritable he became. "Livia, we should just do it with the priest, we don't need anyone surrounding us, just our children."
"I know we could, but you know our fathers wouldn't allow that."
He groaned in frustration, flinging himself onto the bed, his face burying into my stomach. "I just want you to finally be my wife. And another thing, we are having more children."
"Roman, our weddings tomorrow. I think you'll last one more night."
"No I won't," he mumbled into my stomach, "besides I can't make love to you either. And that's not fair."
"Well when we can, I promise you we can stay in bed for days if you choose."
He lifted his head at my words, his eyes lighting up.
His mother came into the room, immediately going to the crib. "Oh Livia, they are beautiful. And your dress has just been finished. Why don't I have them bring it up so you can try it?"
"Oh that would be wonderful."
"That means you'll need to leave, and besides you aren't staying in here tonight, she needs her rest. We are even having the twins removed from the room for the night."
"But I can't sleep without them being in here. Nor without him."
She chuckled, "I know my dear, but it is Royal protocol."
"It's just one more night Livia," Roman said mockingly, smirking as he went out the door.
"How's the dress look?" I asked, sliding out of the bed, and walking towards the crib.
"It's absolutely gorgeous. You will be pleased, and Roman won't know what hit him."
Moments later, Bayley and Clara came in. "Livia, Lisa," Bayley said, gasping when she saw the twins, "oh they are beautiful."
Bayley hugged me, "Oh yeah, we have your dress."
I turned towards what Clara was hanging up, my jaw dropping, knowing immediately that Roman wouldn't know what hit him.

" I turned towards what Clara was hanging up, my jaw dropping, knowing immediately that Roman wouldn't know what hit him

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I looked in awe at the dress, tears streaming down my face, as my father walked in. "I take it you recognize this."
"Yes, it's mothers dress, it's beautiful."
"Your mother always wanted you to have what she did. And now you do, but you have so much more. You have continued the work she began, and with Roman by your side, and these beautiful children of yours, you will flourish."
I went behind the curtain to try it on, Bayley following to help.
As soon as I put it on, I felt overwhelmed, I looked at Bayley, panic in my eyes. "Princess, it's ok, he loves you, he loves the twins, you'll be fine." I started to get dizzy, gripping Bayleys arms, as she guided me out from behind the curtain. Lisa and my father hurried forward seeing my face. "She's having a panic attack," Bayley said.
Lisa smiled, "I remember the day before my wedding, I actually ran out of the palace, attempting to get away from everyone. But Livia, the point is, I came back, because I love my husband. Without him, I wouldn't have Roman, and now you and the twins."
I closed my eyes, sighing deeply. Looking at his mother I said, "What if he changes his mind? What if he decides that we aren't what he wants?"
"My dear, he loves you and only you. Well besides these two. Bayley, would you do me a favor and stay with the princess and the little ones tonight?"
"Of course, it would be my honor."

That night, I tossed and turned unable to sleep, wishing Roman was beside me. The twins wouldn't stop crying, I tried to soothe them by rubbing their backs, all of a sudden the door opened, "I couldn't stay away my love."
He wrapped his arms around me, he laid his hands on their backs, rubbing them, my hands moving along with his. They instantly calmed down. "Livia, being away from the three of you for just these few hours literally was killing me, and Dean was driving me crazy with his non stop talking about Bayley."
I turned to tell Bayley she could go, but she was already gone.
We climbed into bed once the twins were sound asleep, instantly falling asleep.

The next morning there was laughter coming from the doorway, opening my eyes, I saw our parents, Bayley, Dean and all the children standing in the doorway. "You two are incorrigible," his mother said laughing.
She shooed Roman out of the room, but not before he pulled me into him to kiss me.

After putting the dress on once again, Bayley did my hair, letting it flow down my back.

It was time, my father took my hands, stepping in front of me, "Livia, I'm so proud of you

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It was time, my father took my hands, stepping in front of me, "Livia, I'm so proud of you. Your mother would be as well. Roman is a lucky man to have you. You two will change the course of our countries."
We walked to the doorway to the banquet hall, and as the doors opened, I was stunned by what I saw. Every single person whom Roman and I had worked with in the palace, was standing there. He had made his promise come true. My eyes finally found him, standing at the top of the dais with his parents. His smile genuine. Bayley and Dean were standing close to him, each holding one of the twins.
As my father and I ascended the dais, Romans hands taking mine, his eyes never leaving my face. In that moment I knew we would be ok. That is until I saw the look in Romans face, the horror and confusion etched on his face, looking down I saw why, the blood that seeped through my mothers dress, Roman clutched me close, yelling and screaming echoing in my ears, as I passed out murmuring to Roman, I love you.

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