Chapter sixteen

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The following day, Her Majesty came into my rooms followed by the children. "You are making huge changes, and both my husband and son are fuming this morning, especially when I told them I was going to gather the children."
"So you'll help me?" I asked.
"Yes, but first, we need to get the children breakfast. I think some pastries would do nicely. Your father helped make them this morning."
My stomach grumbled loudly, as father, Bayley, and Dean carried in trays. "Good morning Livia," father said.
"Father, what's this I hear about you in the kitchen?"
"You made me hungry for these, I hope they are as we remember your mother making them."
I took one, taking a bite as it melted in my mouth. Moaning in delight, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Livia, may I speak with you privately?"
I nodded, motioning for everyone to leave us. He sat down on my bed, sighing deeply.
"Why do you test me? Does it really mean everything to you for me to know these people's names?"
"Yes it would, and you'd understand better the people you will one day rule over, and what types of conditions they live in."
"Then starting tomorrow morning, I will be doing what they do. But there's one thing I ask of you, stay with me tonight, if you want me to do this, then you will do this for me. Besides I don't like it that you stay here, when the child could come at any moment."
I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, as he pulled me to him. His hands resting on my stomach, "The baby certainly does kick you a lot."
"According to your mother, that's what you did to her."
"Sounds just like me. There's something else I wanted to ask you."
"What's that?"
"Tonight, when you are in my room, I wish to make love to you. We never really did get to do that properly."
My hands cupped his face, "Depends on how you fare for the next week as one of the servants."
I kissed him lightly on the mouth, when I tried to pull away, he pulled me down onto the bed. His mouth claiming mine, "Livia, please, I need you."
I pushed him off of me, standing and smoothing out my dress, "If you survive the week, then perhaps."
I hurried out the door before I could change my mind, even though my heart was screaming to go back in and let him make love to me. Once I found Bayley I told her about Roman going to be with us the following day. She and I planned the hardest schedule for Roman, which I intend to show him tonight.
His schedule looked like the following
1. Cooking and Serving breakfast
2. Cleaning the stables with Dean, and Heath.
3. Feeding the horses.
4. Cleaning the kitchen from breakfast, then preparing the ingredients for dinner
5. Teaching the children
6. Taking care of the injured or sick
7. Drawing the princess a bath
When I finished writing number seven, I knew that would stun him. This would be fun to watch, and I needed a little pampering, my feet were aching badly. Bayley said to me, "Is number seven for your benefit or his?"
"More for mine, to show him what he did to me then."
The door opened and in came Dean and Roman. I saw Bayley blush profusely when Dean sat down beside her. Roman saw the paper laying in front of me, taking it into his hands he scanned down the paper. He said to me quietly, "I think number seven will be my favorite."
"That's if you survive the rest of the day."
I saw Dean take Bayleys hand, her cheeks turning red. I bit my lip, when Romans hand traveled to my stomach, down to rest on my thighs. "You should get some rest your Highness, you have a busy day tomorrow," Bayley said.
"And a busy night, I've got to draw the princess a bath."
I couldn't help but blush when he said that. He led me to his room, ushering me inside, the water having been brought up already. He took his shirt off throwing it aside, his fingers deftly removing my dress, his hands caressing my shoulders. He helped me step into the tub, sinking down I let out an audible moan, my body automatically relaxing, "I think I'm not the only one who's going to enjoy getting pampered this week like this."
His fingers slid under the water, pulling my feet up, his hands massaging them. "I could see they were bothering you earlier. You need only to ask me to pamper you my love."
"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked, my eyes closing as his fingers dug into my foot.
"Because that's what you are to me. Simple really. If only you could see yourself from my eyes."
"Then tell me what you see."
"You frustrate me both intelluctually, emotionally, and sexually," he said as he let go of my feet, dropping his pants, kicking them off, he stepped into the tub, sitting behind me, and pulling me into his arms. His hands cupped my breasts, "Livia, this is what you do to me, I can't get enough of you. Even when I was set to marry Sasha, and you were merely my slave, you had my heart, and you still do. You were right that night when you said, I'd never understand love. Because I still don't. But I want to understand it. I can see what you do for the children and all of the people here. But I don't understand why."
"You'll understand more tomorrow."
He started kissing my neck, his one hand cupping my breasts, as his other traveled down between my legs. My head lolled back against his chest, my willpower waning, luckily at that moment, the baby kicked his hand. I laughed, "Apparently the baby has other ideas about that."
I slid forward, attempting to stand up, he stood, pulling me up lifting me over the tubs edge. Once he set me on my feet, he leaned down, kissing me, his fingers curling into my hair, deepening the kiss, I could feel his erection pressed against my stomach. My hands pressed to his chest, "Let me get you your nightgown princess."
Touching my lips, I could feel that they were swollen, his arms wrapping around me from behind, "I believe this is yours," he said, slipping it onto me. He still wore nothing, trying to bring my gaze back up to his face, I found myself distracted by his nakedness. This was certainly going to be a long week.

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