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"Okay Skye. Ready to head to the studio?" Ian asks Skye early in the morning.

She groans. "Can I ever get any sleep?"

Ian chuckles. "Not in Sacramento."

She sighs and wraps her thin little arms around Ian's neck and he picks her up and carries her into the living room.

"Good morning, Skye," Anthony calls from the dining room table, eating oatmeal.

"Mmmm," she mumbles in reply.

Anthony chuckles. "Someone's tired." She nods and Ian sits down with her on the couch. "You'll get used to it. Ian and I have to do this almost every day. You can sleep in next week."

Skye groans and lifts her head up to look at Anthony. "Can I have something to eat, too?" She asks.

Anthony nods. "Sure, I'll make you something." He then gets up and searches the fridge for something to make Skye. Vegan, of course, since Ian had also mostly converted since his marriage (there are some exceptions, for example when he wants a taco).

She rests her head back down on Ian's shoulder and yawns. As the child falls back asleep, Ian lays her down on the couch and walks over to his husband. "Anthony," he begins. "What are we gonna do?"

Anthony closes the fridge and looks at Ian, confused. "About what, babe?" He goes to the stove and begins making Skye some oatmeal.

Ian sighs. "School. She'll never be settled in school if we keep having to take her to Sacramento for a week out of every month. And we can't teach her ourselves! There's no way we're smart enough and..." Ian runs a hand through his hair. "We should've discussed this before we adopted, goddammit."

Anthony turns back to look at his husband. "Ian, bear," he begins. "She'll be okay. We're gonna figure something out. She's gonna grow up happy and healthy and a very smart child. You know how I know?"

Ian sighs. "How?"

"Because she doesn't have our genes," Anthony replies, chuckling. He gives Ian a small kiss on the head. "Trust me, Ian. We're all gonna be okay. You'll make a great dad." He smiles and turns back to the oatmeal on the stove.

"Alright, I guess I'll take your word for it," Ian says.

"Why were you so worried about her schooling, anyway? I mean, I get it, but why that specifically? And why did you overreact so much?"

Ian sighs. "I just wanna be a good dad, Anthony. And I love this girl like no one could."

"I know. I do, too. We'll make good dads, Ian, I promise. Despite everything, our love for Skye will propel us. Everything is going to be fine."

Ian smiles and turns Anthony to face him. "You're the only one who knows how to make me feel better." He kisses Anthony on the lips, and he returns the kiss.

"Of course I am," he giggles. "I'm your husband."

Ian rolls his eyes playfully. "Whatever."

Anthony chuckles. "You know you love me."

Ian smiles in reply and kisses Anthony's cheek. "You're lucky I do."

As Anthony finishes making the oatmeal, Ian wakes up Skye. "We have to leave soon. Better eat quickly."

She groans in response.

"Skye! Don't you want your oatmeal? It's the only thing you're gonna get until lunchtime," Anthony calls from the table.

Skye groans again but sat up. "Do I have to?"

Ian shrugs. "I'll eat it."

This wakes her up. "No! My oatmeal!" She runs over to the table and sits next to Anthony in order to protect her food.

In My Place: A Smosh Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now