The Fam

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The next morning, Skye wakes in a good mood. She walks into the kitchen to see Anthony making waffles.

"Good morning, Skye!" He grins as Skye hugs his legs.

"Hi, Anthony! What are you making?"

"Are waffles alright?" Anthony giggles when Skye gasps.

"Absolutely! I LOVE waffles!"

Ian groans as he walks into the kitchen. "I was trying to sleep," he grumbles.

Skye runs over to Ian and hugs him like he did Anthony. "Good morning, Ian!" She smiles.

Ian's mood picks up a little as the six year old embraces him. He ruffles her hair. "Mornin, kid," he says.

Skye lets go of Ian and sits at the table, waiting for Anthony's waffles.

"Hey, girlie. You're in my spot," Ian says. Skye giggles and sticks her tongue out at Ian. He narrows his eyes. "Oh, so you're going to start that, are you?" At this, he dives at Skye and begins tickling her sides.

"AHHH! NO! STOP!" She screams, laughing. Ian also begins laughing and he continues making her wriggle around before she finally falls out of Ian's chair.

"Aha!" Ian shouts. He takes back his chair and continues tickling Skye, who rolls away from him.

"Alright, you two. I just vacuumed the floor," Anthony teases, bringing in Skye and Ian's plate of waffles.

Ian keeps his chair and Skye gets up to sit beside him. He ruffles her hair and kisses the top of her head. The two don't even wait for Anthony before digging in.

"So, Skye," Anthony begins, sitting down. She barely looks up from her waffles. "Ian and I have to go back to work soon and-"

"Ugh! work!?" Skye interrupts. "You guys are just like every other adult!"

Ian laughs. "We actually have a pretty cool job. We'll show you later this week."

Anthony nods in agreement. "Yep. Anyway, what I was trying to say was that we want you to meet our friends, or co-workers."

Skye continues eating her waffles, but looks at Anthony intently. "Why?" She asks with a mouthful of waffles.

"We're all very close friends. We're like a family. Besides, they really wanted to meet you," Ian replies.

Skye nods. "Fine. But pinky promise me that they're not boring," she demands, speaking to both of them.

Ian laughs and Anthony rolls his eyes playfully. "Fine," they both agree.


Mari is the first to arrive, as she usually is. "Hi guys!" She greets at the door. Anthony smiles as he lets her in. "Where's Skye?"

As if right on cue, Skye walks in, shyly, hiding behind Ian. As soon as Mari sees her, she gasps.

"Hi Skye!" She says, gently. "Oh my god, you're so cute," she laughs. Skye turns her head away.

"Skye, why won't you come and meet Mari? She's very nice," Ian says. Slowly, Skye comes out from behind Ian to meet Mari.

"I'm Mari," she introduces, holding out her hand.

Skye reluctantly grabs Mari's hand and shakes it. "I'm Skye," she whispers.

Mari smiles. "Don't worry. We'll become good friends. We can do girl things without these two, because they don't understand girls." Skye laughs. "Whaddaya say, Skye? Sound cool?"

In My Place: A Smosh Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now