Chapter 2

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One Month Earlier

"Sophia, honestly I don't know what I'm going to do," I sigh, rubbing my temples trying to ease my headache. "My rent is due next week and I'm still two hundred dollars short and the diner cut back my hours this week."

Stress would be an understatement as to what I was feeling right now. It felt like everything in the world was just going against me.

First, my car breaking down. Second, my roommate disappearing, leaving me to pay double my usual rent. Third, the diner cutting back my hours. It's like the world was saying "This is the end for you Jade" and I couldn't do anything about it.

"First of all Jade, you gotta breathe," my best friend stated and I nodded my head taking in a deep breath. "Second, I can lend you the money, you know that's not a problem." She says and I immediately groan.

If there was one thing I hated, it was borrowing money from friends or anyone for that matter. I didn't like the constant feel of being in some sort of debt. Especially in my situation, it would be a hell of a long time in being able to pay someone back.

"Sop, I appreciate the offer, but you know I hate borrowing money from people." I sighed and she let out a little hum. "Just thought I'd throw that idea out there."


Getting to my morning class was a struggle. That being another thing I had to worry about paying, school. I was a senior in college, credits away from graduating with my bachelors degree in business. And trust me it wasn't easy.

Yes I should be excited but, there was no way I was ready to start paying off my student loans. I was so royally fucked.

Money had always been a problem in my life. Ever since I was a little girl I could remember my mother stressing over money. Taking on two jobs and raising me on her own wasn't an easy job and I hated seeing her come home late and leave early every day just to help us get by. I got a job as soon as I could start working to help her out. I've never been one to just sit back and let others do things for me.

I've worked my ass off my entire life. It's was I was taught to do.

Walking into my macroeconomics class, I took my usual seat and took my binder out. I dreaded this class for one reason, and it wasn't even because of the learning material.

It was because of Niall Horan.

Niall Horan was that guy who's been set for a successful life since birth. He came down from the UK when he was ten years old and was thrown into the life of business. His father owns the billion dollar company, Horan Incorporated. He's been interning there every summer since graduating from high school.

If that wasn't enough, Niall was stupid rich and incredibly obnoxious. Using his money to get anything he wanted. Girls included. He's been trying to get in my pants since our freshman year at Columbia.

I can honestly tell you, I'm probably the only girl who hasn't fallen for his stupid good looks, and cocky, playboy attitude. He was known as a hit it and quit it type of guy. Why so many girls kept falling for his bullshit was beyond me.

Anyways, just as I was beginning to focus for today's class, I heard his arrogant voice call out.

"Alectra! How are ya babe?" He smirks as he takes his usual seat next to me - very unfortunate for me - and crosses his arms. I roll my eyes like I always do at his cocky greetings and choose to ignore him. "Oh c'mon babe, you're going to want to hear what I've got to say today." He says, wicked smile on his face. I raise an eyebrow out of curiosity, turning to face him and his smirk grows.

"I've got a little proposition for ya."

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