"What I do is none of your business half-breed. Do you have parents?" Jungkook asked, and the half-breed shook his head in confusion. Jungkook smirked and snapped his neck without hesitation. Rapmon just let out a sigh while Jimin just shook his head in disappointment. They had already known Jungkook for his ruthless ways with half-breeds.

Those born half-breeds were as harmless as pure breeds. If they want to be harmless anyway. But they could control their blood thirst. They were completely different from the ones who were made half-breeds. But not like Jungkook cared. They were all the same in Jungkook's eyes. They were blood thirsting murderers.

They were just monsters in the eyes of Jungkook.

"Let's go." Jungkook said and continued his way. He never had the intention to keep that half-breed alive even if his parents were alive. He didn't care. All he wanted to do was to kill him. He wanted all half-breeds to be wiped off from Earth itself, but he knew that if he did, many vampires would go against him. Especially the ones who had a human as a mate. So instead of wiping them off from the face of the Earth, he'd kill those who had the unfortunate fate of coming across him.

His friends had tried to change the way he handled the half-breeds by convincing him that not all half-breeds were the same, but he was as stubborn as a mule. He continued his way and his friends had no way to stop him. However, they had hope. Hope that he would change, especially when Jangmi, a human, was his mate.

"Found him." Rapmon whispered as they ran deeper and deeper into the forest. They stopped when they caught sight of him. They were far enough so that he wouldn't be able to catch their scent. However, they knew they couldn't stay at a place for too long. Like what the half-breed that Jungkook killed said, this place was crawling with half-breeds. And they weren't born, they were made by that bastard of a vampire.

He was pure breed.

"Why does he seem so familiar?" Jimin frowned as he looked at the man. He looked about their age. Then again, vampires age one every 5 decades or so. If Jangmi were to ask for any of their age, she would freak when she hear the answer. Literally, freak out.

"You're right. Where have I seen him before?" Rapmon muttered, loud enough for the 2 of them to hear. They were thinking of who he was but tensed when they heard a movement. "Shit." Jungkook cursed and soon all 3 of them were ambushed.


Jangmi went down to get a glass of water. It was already dark outside and after 'talking' to Jin, she was allowed to leave the room as and when she wanted. She bit back a grin, recalling how embarrassed Jin looked when she whispered things into his ear.

So what exactly did she do? She flirted with him. She did flirt sometimes, when she went to a club with her friends. She had sufficient experience to turn a guy on. She had lessons about it for god's sake, by her very own mother. She was told of what guys like and hate.

So why didn't she used it on Jungkook or some other guys to make them release her from this prison-like castle? Honestly speaking, she was afraid. She was already starting to think that she likes Jungkook, and if she used that method on him, she feared that he would think that she did this to every guy she encountered to get what she wanted. Yes, she was actually starting to care about what he thought of her.

For Jin, she knew that he wouldn't think of her that way since they've had decent conversations with each other. He was her friend, along with the others, but he was closest to her. Ironically though, Jungkook was the furthest away from her. He was annoying and a demanding jerk, but she couldn't help the way her feelings would act up around him. She had no way to stop it.

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