Chapter 10

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The next morning, Padmé was furiously working to complete a giant checklist. Preparing for a battle had an endless list of tasks, and she had at least a third of them (with the other two thirds going to Bail and Mon). The most important thing was to ensure that everyone in the base had enough supplies to do their job during the battle. In order to do that, Padmé had to talk to several people, including the head mechanic, the hangar manager, and the head physician. After talking to those three people, she headed over to the office she shared with Bail and Mon.

"You're back quickly," Bail remarked, glancing up from his messy desk.

"Well, my checklist isn't complete yet," Padmé admitted, smiling. "But I thought I'd come in and report a few things immediately. I've talked with the mechanics, pilots and doctors. Mon, the head doctor would like to speak with you. He needs some funding for supplies from the local hospital."

Mon nodded and silently typed some things onto a datapad. She was the manager of finances at the Rebel Base, so anyone's money questions went to her.

"And," Padmé went on, "the mechanics need some supplies too, and they don't have time to go out and get them. I could make sure someone takes care of that."

"I'll send someone," Bail said.

Mon stood up, holding her datapad. "How about the pilots?"

"They have enough supplies, so they don't need anything from us. But I did tell the hangar director to run two or even three safety inspections on every ship that will be used."

"Good," Mon said. "I guess I'll go talk to the doctors, then." She walked out and closed the door behind her.

Padmé was about to leave too, but Bail stood up and approached her, and pulled a handful of credits out of his wallet.

She blinked at him in surprise. "What's this, Bail?"

"For you," he replied, with a hint of a smile.

"Whatever for?" She stared at him pointedly. Sometimes the generosity of other people almost embarrassed her, especially when she had plenty enough of her own money.

"It's so you can go out and do something with your son. Take a break, enjoy yourself."

"But... I can't! I still have a lot to do." Padmé gestured to her checklist. "I'm not halfway done for the day."

Bail shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry about it. Talking to the pilots and everything was the brunt of it, and the only other thing we'll really need you for is the strategy meeting tonight. The rest of these tasks can be delegated to other people. Padmé, relax! You've worked nonstop since the Rebel Alliance first started."

"I just don't feel that this is fair.... You and Mon have worked nonstop too!"

"Yes, but... you have a son. He deserves some time with you. Do this for him, if anything."

Padmé sighed. How could she refuse a gift that would technically help her be a better mother?

"All right." She reluctantly accepted the credits. "Thank you, Bail. You really don't have to do this!"

"I know," he said with a warm smile. "But I don't need that money. Have fun with Luke!"

"I certainly will." Padmé returned his smile and headed out of the office.

She felt almost giddy as she walked down to the children's center. Bail had no reason to go out of his way to do something so kind for her and Luke. They had been friends for a while, but they weren't too terribly close... were they? Part of her wondered if Bail had some greater motivation for this. But then again, Padmé knew she was prone to overanalyzing people. Bail is just being nice, she thought. He cares about Luke. That's all.

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