Chapter 10

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Mikasa's pov

Eren and Annie had been arriving to training late recently, and I'm starting to pick up on what might be going on. No one else had really paid attention. They'd always usually be around each other, and I could see 'the love' in their eyes whenever they looked at each other. That's right. They're... She's... My only love has been taken away from me! Maybe I should get together with Armin for revenge.. Or to make him jealous! Then he'd want me, right? No, what am I talking about! This is my best friend, if he wants to go out with Annie, then he can. I can't control his life, and I know that. I need to just support him..

Eren's pov

Mikasa was acting differently, especially around me, Annie too. Had I done something?

"Hey, Mikasa!" I called after her, suddenly worried when I saw her eyes flooding up with tears as she turned around. I ran and flung my arms around her, feeling my jacket get soaked as she cried into my shoulder. I pulled away once she'd stopped.

".. Mikasa?" She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying and her face tear stained. "Mikasa what happened?!" I'd never seen her cry since-... That day. The day her parents were killed in front of her very eyes. The day we'd adopted her into our own family. The day we'd become closer than ever.. I hated seeing her like this. I pulled up her chin to face me when she looked down.
"Mikasa, what the fuck happened?!" She shook her head, starting to walk away before I pulled her back again.

"Mika-fucking-sa! Tell me what the hell happened!" I wasn't angry, just worried.

"NO! It's so fucking stupid, but it's killing me. Because I don't want you to get hurt, and I don't trust HER!" She spat and ran away.

"Mi-" I sighed. ... Was she talking about Annie?


I pressed my lips to Annie's, but something just wasn't right today, with both of us. I was worried about Mikasa, and Annie seemed off. I pulled away, looking at Annie straight in the eyes.

"What's up? You're acting differently.." I bit my lip, a little worried. 

She sighed a little, looking down. "It's just.. Mikasa's acting off, and she ran from the cabins earlier crying.." She looked back up and met my gaze. "And you're acting weird too."

Damn it, I'd hoped she wouldn't notice. "Listen, I'm off because Mikasa's off. Simple as."

"Has she said anything to you?" She looked a little confused.

I looked down, nodding. "She said something like she didn't me to get hurt and she didn't trust 'her', but she didn't say who 'her' was. Something tells me she's .. At least has a suspicion of us."

Annie nodded. "Then we come clean."


Mikasa's pov

I'd hidden myself away in the bathroom, crying. Why was I crying? Come on, this was ridiculous! 'But I love him.. More than anything in the entire world, I love him.' I sighed, drying my eyes and waiting for my eyes to cool down before going outside. I bumped into Annie and Eren, and instantly I wanted to cry again.

"Sorry.." I mumbled, but before I could walk away Annie grabbed me by my wrists and stood me in front of them. "Uhm.." I was confused, but when Annie and Eren started speaking, I just listened, pushing away all urges to just hug Eren, to cuddle him right then and there.

"So, you seemed to have latched on to the idea that me and Annie are .. well you know, together." He seemed a little awkward, but I just nodded, keeping my head down.

"Well.. You were correct." I looked up, blinking away the tears forming in my eyes.

"But, now that we've come clean, you too have to do the same. You're acting differently. And what you said to me earlier... That..." Eren sighs. "And I've never seen you cry since.." He drifted off there, bringing back all the memories I'd try to forget. Shaking my head, I sighed.

"No. It was your choice to come out, and I didn't agree to anything." And on that note, I left before they could do or say anything else.


Annie's pov

So... We pissed her off. And she's now been avoiding us as much as possible since then. I kind of feel bad, because I know she's Eren's childhood friend, and after everything he's lost, I'd hate to be the cause of him possibly losing Mikasa too. Now my theory is, Mikasa loves Eren too. But.. Fuck am I gonna regret this!

I walked nervously over to Eren at the table in the canteen, his face lighting up when he saw me. 'Please don't make this any harder than it is..'

"Hey, need to talk." His brow creased as he followed me out to a little shaded area by the trees, out of hearing range. He raised an eyebrow, expecting words to form when I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

"Shit I can't do this.." I took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"I love you.. More than anything in the world. You've made me sleep, you've made me .. feel. These past few weeks have been the best, I swear. But after seeing Mikasa the way she is, and finally realizing why she's acting like that, I think it's best if I left you to her. You both mean the world to each other, and I can't bear to watch our relationship fuck up your bond with her."

His face dropped.

"She's an amazing person, and seeing her like this makes me feel so guilty, so bad.. I just.. I need you to take some time to really think about this. You need Mikasa, she needs you, and it's killing her, the fact that you're with me. I'm not saying ask her out, I mean you can if you want, but I'm just saying be there for her, and give her what she needs. And you can't do that with me holding you back, with you not being completely hers. I'm sorry, because I really do love you, but I figure she needs you a whole lot more than I do right now.."

I kissed him on the lips before feeling my eyes water and walked away. I'd left him under the trees, tears starting to fall. I looked away, not being able to bear seeing him upset. 'I'm so sorry..'


I walked past Mikasa but stopped her. "He's yours. Keep him safe.."

{{Hey! Sorry if you didn't like this chapter, but making it a little more realistic with them not having a happily-ever-after (but maybe that'll change ;) ) might've spiced it up a tad, so ya know. Vote and comment and all that, you know the drill, and thanks! :3 }}

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