Chapter 3

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Annie's head was rushing with so many thoughts, so many 'WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING's. She wouldn't have thought that if a random guy just kissed her that she would accept it. But as her eyes closed, she went deeper into the kiss until she felt Eren's tongue brushing her bottom lip, asking for permission. She felt like she had no control over her actions anymore as she opened her mouth slightly and felt Eren's tongue slipping in and explore all areas of her mouth. She gripped the back of Eren's head, pulling at his hair and hearing him moan. Annie smiled into the kiss before he pulled away and started trailing his soft lips down her neck and onto her collarbone, then sucking firmly until hearing a soft pop, and a moan from her, and then he pulled away, gazing into her eyes for a few seconds before crashing back down on Annie's lips. She was starting to resist. 'WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING OH MY FUCKING GOD I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY AND WE'RE HERE HAVING AN INTENSE MAKE-OUT SESSION AND IT MIGHT EVEN TO INTO A S-' Her thoughts her cut off as she felt Eren tug at her top. 'No... No! I'm not a retarded whore! Push him away... PUSH HIM THE FUCK AWAY!' Annie caught her breath and broke the kiss, swatting his hand away and sliding herself out from underneath his body which was now hovering over her. "No.. I'm sorry Eren. This is.. fucked up. I don't even know you... And yet.. I.." She couldn't bring herself to say it. To say that she already felt something.

Eren seemed stunned, disorientated all of a sudden, and it was only as he started collapsing to the floor did Annie realise, and she caught him, resting his head on her lap. Her eyebrows creased, her hands cupping his face. "Eren.?"

Eren's pov

 What was happening? I wasn't in control, that was for sure. Unless.. ? No.. It's been .. It's ... No! Suddenly everything started to go black, I couldn't see anything. I heard a high-pitched ringing noise in my ears, and saw a bright light coming towards me. It seemed to move to my side, and then travel underneath me slightly, where my head was resting. What was that light? The ringing died down after a few seconds, only to be replaced by an echo, a familiar-voiced echo. '"Only in darkness can you find light, and only in light can you find darkness."' Mum. I often pondered what she meant when she had said this.. But now I think I understand. Only in darkness will you find the light, meaning everyone who seems cold and hard on the outside, is really someone who will love and care for you on the inside, and vice-versa with 'only in light can you find darkness'. It made sense, but why now? Why after all these years is it coming back to me? For fuck's sake, I could've used this 'inspiration' long ago!

I blindly lashed out, out of control, smashing Annie in the lip and causing it to bleed and swell. Finally, my vision was coming back to me. Annie was above me, she was holding me, even after everything I've do- She's bleeding!

Annie's pov

What was he doing? No! Come on, this isn't fair. You can't fuck a girl you've known for a couple hours.. right? Well, not with me you can't. I pushed him away and got up. "Eren no, what the fuck do you think you're doi-.." I watched him go pale and start collapsing to the ground, but I was swift to catch him. "Eren!" I set his head down on my lap, cupping his face and feeling worried. 'Was this because of me? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO YOU BIG PIECE OF SHIT?!' My hands started shaking as I tried waking him, scared as fuck. I kissed his temple gently, starting to settle as his quick breathing returned to normal, and the colour started to come back to his face. 'Should I call someone? Maybe not, then everyone'd know what happened.. Hell, the entire village'd be up here. Okay, just leave him rest and stay with him, make sure he doesn't freak out when he wakes up.' I nodded to myself assertively.

It was a great plan until he fucking punched me in the mouth, causing me to bleed and swell up! "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LITTLE PR-" His eyes opened and looked concerned and teary..

Back to the normal pov

Annie was shocked. She never thought she'd see Eren cry, let alone cradle him in her arms. In the short period she'd known him, they'd had an extreme make-out session, he tried to possibly have sex with her, and had just collapsed after she freaked!... and then gotten punched in the mouth.

Eren sat bolt-upright, swerving himself around and looking horrified at the cut he'd given Annie, but she seemed fine. "Are you okay? What happened?!" Annie was clearly more concerned over Eren than herself. He waved it off and gestured at her lip. "I am SO sorry! I didn't mean to, I'm... twitchy." He'd lied through gritted teeth, unwilling to share the real reason he blacked out, why he 'twitched' like that. She scowled, seemingly annoyed at his wording. She shakes her head, standing up. "Come on, I know how to patch myself up. Need me to carry you? You seem a little.. weak." This time it was Eren who scowled. He shouted loudly, clearly annoyed at being called weak. Annie merely rolled her eyes, tossing Eren over her shoulder and then she ran for the roofs. She jumped quickly and recklessly across the rooftops, as they were only a couple meters apart. After a few seconds, she felt a soft banging on her back, and guessed it was Eren. "Oh stop yer winjin', you'll be put down soon enough." She smiled when the light thumping stopped.


Annie fixed up her lip with a small medical-kit under her bed after tossing Eren onto her springy mattress and shushing him when he squealed. "Eren.." she whispered. "You're sleeping with me tonight, I don't trust you after what happened earlier." Eren put on the biggest scowl he could, but it didn't work. "Why?!" He whisper-screamed. Annie sighed, gave him a little smack upside the head. That shut him up.

{{Hey again! Yes I know, what are you doing with your life you just uploaded three times in one day WELL! I ... Don't actually do a lot else with my time, and I literally pulled an all nighter last night to get out the first chapter, because I was so excited to start it. But uhm yeah, comment and all that, and do that weird star thing (forgot what it was called) if you liked it and all that.. And uhm yeah, thanks! :) }}

Survive (Annie x Eren)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя