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Authors Note!:

BibliophileForLife here! This is my first story so I think it should be fair to say I would love the criticism! I know I'm not the best writer, but I try. As much as I would love for my story to reach thousands of people, I know it's not reality. So please read my story and for future reference I'm going to try to update weekly! I am a college student, so it's hard to write at times. It's Christmas break at the moment, so I'll try for another update in a day or two. Just thought the Prologue would help to get some readers! :) Have a nice day! :)


Arden's POV:

He stared at her as she entered the building. She looked like any normal girl, but he knew just by her smell that she was different.

He wanted to clap for the appearance she gave to everyone. Her long luscious black hair was up in a ponytail to get rid of the attraction it would usually get if it were down.

Her outfit was two times her size as it hid the shape of her body. As if she could feel his eyes appraising her, she looked up and gazed into his brown eyes from across the hall.

A shiver took over his body as he stared back into her deep green eyes. There is no denying what she is. These pitiful humans could not see the beauty behind the measly façade she put up.

He could and he had every intention on destroying the glass wall around her that hides the real being from everyone.

As she lowered her gaze and continued to walk he smirked at the fun that was about to begin.

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