Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

“So, when are you recording a demo? Can I watch?” Janie said, attempting to change the direction of the discussion. I smiled in her direction, silently thanking her for her efforts.

“I’m not sure, but yeah, of course you can”

Lunch sped by thankfully, because josh’s mood hadn’t lifted since he’d put two and two together. I was pretty certain he hadn’t bought my response in the slightest.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly too. After work the four of us filed into the elevator together with a few of the others and began the descent to the parking basement. The elevator stopped on the ground floor and the doors opened the other people emptied out leaving the four of us alone. There was media swarming the lobby in front of the swipe card entry Nick had luckily just had installed, cameras flashing in the direction of the elevator.

“They’ve been here all day. Why are they so dead set on benefiting from something that was so miserable for another person” I whispered sadly

“Because they see this as a job, the more miserable, the better for them. Sad isn’t it” Janie replied

“Nick’s a big boy, he can handle it” Josh added as the doors closed and the elevator continued moving down.

“It’s not just about him though” I replied, without thinking. Instantly my hands flew to my mouth. I quickly composed myself then continued “I mean he’s engaged isn’t he. He has his fiancée to think about”

The words tasted like poison as I said them and I felt bad for lying to Josh. I hated that he wasn’t happy with me right now and I wished I could tell him the absolute truth, but even Janie didn’t know everything and Nick had told me everything he had, in complete confidence.

Finally the doors opened again and walked over to Marc’s car.

“I was thinking we could all go out for dinner tonight?” Marc asked suddenly, as he unlocked the car door. My stomach dropped, how was I going to explain that I had plans.

“I can’t, I’d love to… but I kind of promised I’d do something for someone tonight.”

I avoided eye contact from anyone and hopped into the car without another word.

“I’m in” Janie said sweetly

“Great babe, how about you Josh?”

“I think I might stay in” He moaned, putting his seat belt on

“It’s my treat Joshie” Marc teased

I looked over at josh who was struggling not to smile, he shrugged then mumbled fine.

When we finally got home I walked down to my bedroom and grabbed a pair of jeans a t-shirt and a hoody, then I went and showered. I walked back in to my room feeling refreshed and picked my phone up. There was a missed call from Nick.

I dialled his number then waited for him to answer.

“Hey, I tried to call but you didn’t answer”

“I was showering” I replied

Nick didn’t reply for a short while and I heard him clear his throat.

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