She looked down and found a tear trailing down Perseus' cheek as he clearly thought she was about to smite him. Though she had no love for males, she was not without heart. She knelt down in front of the child.

"I accept that injuring my stag was not intentional. I am not going to hurt you child." She surprised even herself when she found her hand on the boy's shoulder reassuringly. She quickly pulled it back and suddenly felt an awkwardness that was foreign for the Olympian Goddess.

Perseus looked up in shock. It looked like he wanted to hug her and Artemis thought she might have to smite the boy in the end anyway. Thankfully, he controlled himself and dropped to a knee.

"Thank you for your mercy, my lady."

Artemis bit her lip uncomfortably, she was not accustomed to being thanked by a male. She could imagine the stupid grin plastered on Apollo's face at the moment. Her mood changed to pleased when she imagined firing an arrow into his posterior for his stupidity.

She saw Heracles trying to speak and found her mood lifted further by how stupid he looked. She waved a hand and his voice returned to him. He thanked her for sparing them but Artemis found this whole situation was turning annoying. She was about to leave when Apollo finally spoke again.

"You know," from his tone, she could tell whatever he was going to say would be something she didn't like. "Eurystheus will consider this trial a failure. I am pleased you have spared the heroes but I find it rather upsetting to see Hera get her way in the end anyway."

Artemis ground her perfect immortal teeth at how irritating Apollo could be. The worst was when he was irritating and right; like he was at the moment.

She shot him a look that showed her displeasure and then turned to the two heroes.

"In this one instance, I believe my brother is correct. Since you did manage to capture my stag, I will reward you two heroes for your perseverance and hunting skills." Heracles eyes lit up as he guessed what the goddess was going to say. "I will allow you to bring my stag back to Tiryns."

Heracles opened his mouth to thank her but a look from the moon goddess shut him up quickly.

"But, you will do so quickly and once you have proven the feat to the king, you will release it, unharmed."

Heracles bowed his head, "Of course, Lady Artemis. Than..." He was cutoff by the goddess disappearing from her spot in the middle of his sentence.

Apollo grinned at his twin's theatrics, "Well done heroes, you have survived the wrath of Artemis. I suggest you make haste lest she changes her mind."

With that final warning, the sun god followed his twin's lead and dissolved out of existence.

Heracles stood motionless for a minute, staring at the spot the two immortals vanished from. Then without warning, he rushed at Perseus and grabbed hold of him, lifting him right off his feet.

"What was that?" He yelled inches from Perseus' face. "I said to run! Not to follow me! You nearly got yourself killed!"

Perseus was too stunned to do anything for a minute. Then, his own emotions got the better of him. He kicked Heracles as hard as he could in the stomach then threw his weight back as hard as he could. Heracles felt the wind go out of him and hunched down only for a hard knee to crack him right in the nose, making him drop Perseus and stumble back as blood trickled down his nose.

Perseus landed on his back and his hand immediately went to his pendant as he waited to see what Heracles would do. But the tension seemed to leave his friend's body and he just sighed and wiped the blood from his nose, trying to catch his breath from that kick.

The Legend of Perseus: The LaborsWhere stories live. Discover now