Let Me Kiss You

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Zayn's POV

"Niall! You need to stick that! You'll get major deductions for that! Do it again!" Louis shouts. Niall wipes his sweaty forehead and runs the routine for the fifth time in a row. Louis is pushing us hard today, our last practice before the competition. "Zayn! Come over here please!"

I run over to him.

"Love I need you to work on that thing we were doing the other day- Liam! What was that?! Point those toes! You look like a frog!"

"Sorry!" Liam calls.

"Okay Z, round-off double back."

"Mkay." I run to an open floor and shake my arms out. I run diagonally down the floor and do a round off. I flip backwards twice and slam my feet down, bending my knees a little. I throw my arms up.

"Good! Back handspring, back tuck."

I run down the floor again and do a roundoff. I flip myself backwards and the tuck back, hugging my legs to my chest. I land it and smile widely.

"Good job Zayn!" Louis claps.

"Thanks," I mumble shyly. Louis meanders over to me.

"You're doing great love," he says quietly, making sure the others don't hear him.

"Thanks babe." I smile at him.

"I want to kiss you so badly right now, but I know I can't. Shit."

I laugh, making him smile. Then it disappears.

"Harry! Do you think that'll get you a trophy? If I was judging it certainly wouldn't! Again! Good job Niall! Take a water break!"

Niall huffs and puffs his way off the floor and to his bag. He flops on the ground and gets a drink. I chuckle at him and he glares at me playfully.

"Little harsh there coach?" I push him jokingly.

"I want you guys to be the best you can be," he explains, pushing me back.

"I am the best!" I say in a girly voice.

"Oh really? Back handspring." Louis challenges.

I flip backwards, my hands hitting the floor and pushing me back up. Louis steps forward. "Back tuck."

I flip again, this time, my hands not touching the floor.

"Pretty good, pretty boy. Let's see a back handspring back tuck." Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Kay." I bounce up and down a little and Louis stops me. He presses down on my shoulders.

"No bouncing."


He winks.

I groan and flip backwards, using my hands, and then again, bringing my legs to my chest. I land it and brush off my shoulders cooly.

"Nice, next time, point your toes." He waltzes off and I roll my eyes, a small blush forming on my cheeks.

He claps his hands loudly. "Boys! Come to the middle!" Everybody comes running in, Harry and Liam brushing chalk off of their hands and Niall wiping sweat from his forehead. "You guys did really good today, just remember, point those toes! I don't know how many times I've told you that! You guys will do great tomorrow, I know it. Good job boys, have a nice night." He strolls away, waving.

"Bye," the boys mumble, tired from all the hard work.

Once all the boys are gone, I run into Louis's office. I plop down on his desk and he turns around.

"Hey." I chirp.

"Hey, now let me kiss you." He murmurs, pressing his lips against mine.

I laugh against his lips. He smiles. He wraps his arms around my waist and my hands move to his face where I can feel light stubble sprinkled across his cheeks.

"Mmmm I love you..." I whisper.

He pulls me closer. "I love you more..."

"Doubt it."

"Believe it."

I giggle and kiss his lips. He kisses back.

The door flies open suddenly. "Coach- holy shit!" I hear Niall yell. I jump away from Louis, falling backwards off his desk in the process.

"Coach? Zayn? What?" Niall asks, sliding his hands down his face.

"U-uh N-Niall, h-h-hey," I stutter.

"Hey." He says shortly.

"Niall it's not what it looks like." Louis says.

"Pssh, yes it is! I always knew Zayn liked you," Niall laughs.

Our jaws drop. "You don't care?" We ask in sync.

"No, I don't care! You guys were meant to be." Niall giggles.

"Niall... Did you just giggle?" I ask, laughing.

Niall blushes.

"Zayn you shouldn't be talking you giggle all the time," Louis says, helping me up from the ground. "God your heart is beating fast." He says, pulling me in front of him, my back against his chest.

"Yeah, Nialler gave me a fucking heart-attack." I mumble, resting my head against his collarbone.

"Language love..." Louis murmurs.

I roll my eyes and grunt.

"Niall, what did you need?"

"For the competition tomorrow, we're changing the back-handspring tuck to a double back right?"

"Yeah." Louis says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay... Um... Thanks. Bye."

"Bye Niall." We say. He shuffles out awkwardly and I turn around in Louis's arms. I rest my head against his chest and wrap my arms around his upper torso. I sigh into the fabric of his shirt. Louis wraps his arms around me and kisses my head , staying quiet. I tuck my arms between him and me and cuddle into his chest.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," he murmurs, kissing my neck. "I love you too."

You Flipped My Heart (Zouis Talik)Where stories live. Discover now