Solar System Love

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Louis's POV

"God dammit Zayn!" I screamed. I pounded my fists against the door and let deep sobs escape from my throat. "Why do I have to love you so much?" I croaked, my voice hoarse from the crying. "Who could ever love me? Especially someone like you! You're flawless... And I'm far from that... You're like the Sun, everything about you is amazing and no one knows how something so perfect could be created. And I'm like stupid Pluto. The small one that no one cares about. The one that is different and does it's own thing. The one that is so far away from the Sun that it doesn't get any warmth or anything. Nothing about me is special. You're perfect Zayn. I wish you were mine... I wish I was yours..." I said softly. He wouldn't ever hear this. I wish he could though.

Zayn's POV

"I wish you were mine... I wish I was yours..."

"I'm so sorry Louis..." I said sadly, a tear slipping down my cheek. I froze. Did he hear me?

"Z-zayn?" I heard his small voice whisper through the door. Yeah. He heard me.

"Yes, it's me... I'm sorry..." I said shamefully.

"D-did you hear what I said?" He sniffed.

"Yeah, yeah I did..."

He sighed. "I meant every word of that Zayn. I won't be hurt if you're uncomfortable and you want a different coach."

"No." I said quickly. "I want you."

"As a coach... Yeah," he said and began to cry softly again.

I twisted the doorknob and opened it slowly, revealing a red-eyed, wet-faced Louis. I'm sure I didn't look much better. I wiped the tears from his face.

"No, I want you Louis. I love you." I took his hand. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Louis's POV

"I'm so sorry Louis..." I heard a voice say from the other side of the door.

"Z-zayn?" I whispered, staring at the door.

"Yes, it's me... I'm sorry..." Zayn said sadly.

"D-did you hear what I said?" I sniffed.

"Yeah, yeah I did..."

I sighed. "I meant every word of that Zayn. I won't be hurt if you're uncomfortable and you want a different coach."

"No." He said quickly. "I want you."

"As a coach... Yeah," I said and began to cry again. He didn't love me.

The doorknob twisted and it opened slowly, showing the beautiful Zayn Malik. I'm sure I look like shit. He wiped the tears from my face and I stopped myself from leaning into his touch.

"No, I want you Louis. I love you." He took my hand and my stomach dropped. "Will you be my boyfriend Louis?" I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth.

"Yes!" I smiled happily and he took my other hand.

"Now it's my turn to try something Louis..." Zayn whispered.

"Wha..." Zayn pressed a finger to my lips, sending chills down my spine. He came closer to me and dropped his hand from my lips. He closed his eyes and I watched as his eyelashes made thin shadows under his eyes. I closed my eyes and waited. He gently brushed his lips over the corner of my mouth and then over my lips. He leaned forward and kissed the base of my neck. Then he kissed the corner of my jaw, sending sparks all through my body. He lips traveled up to mine and he kissed them gently. I kissed him back as he wrapped his strong arms around me. My fingers got tangled in his soft dark hair. Zayn traced my bottom lip with his tongue but I kept my lips sealed shut. He nibbled on my lip and my lips parted for a split second. He took this chance and pushed his way into my mouth, his hot tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. Once he finished, he ventured his way back and kissed my lips a couple times before pulling away.

"And by the way... Pluto's my favorite planet and I'm not perfect, even the sun has sunspots..." Zayn whispered against my lips. I smiled and blushed. "I love you Louis..."

"I love you too Zayn." I kissed his cheek.

"I have to go, love. Mum's probably losing her mind." He took my hand and kissed each finger.

"Before you leave, can you promise me something?" I asked, staring at his hand.

"Yeah baby, what is it?" He asked.

I flipped his hand over and pointed to his wrist. "Please, stop this, you're too beautiful."

His face turned bright red. "Okay." He nodded.

I cupped his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too. Let's keep this private for now."

"I agree. Bye Zayn, see you tomorrow."

"Bye babes." He kissed me one more time on my lips, holding onto my bottom lip a bit longer, then he turned and left the gym.

I'm dating Zayn Malik.

Zayn's POV

I kissed him one last time, not getting enough of his sweet taste. I pulled away and left the gym.

I'm dating Louis Tomlinson.

A/N: Do you guys like this? I'm sorry for all the issues with my other story! Comment?

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