They're In Love

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"Okay, class have a great weekend and don't forget, the last day of school is next Tuesday! Make sure all your things are out of your locker today! You are dismissed!" Mrs. Kelly waved us out of the classroom. I walked to my locker and piled everything into my backpack.

"Hey Zayn!" I heard a feminine voice behind me. I turned around. There were some girls in front of me who I didn't even know.

"Um... Hi?" I said awkwardly.

"OMG you're SO cute!" The girl giggled. The other girls did too.

"Well... Uh... Thanks, I gotta go..." I tried to move around them. The girls lightly clung onto my shirt and I stopped. "Girls, I have to go."

"Noooo!" They whined.

"Where do you have to go?" A girl asked.

"Gymnastics, now please let me through." I tried to push past the girls. They pushed me back lightly. Then they kind of attacked me. They grabbed at my clothes, they kissed my face with their brightly colored lips, and messed up my hair.

"Woah, woah, woah! Ladies! Settle down! Our Zayn here is trying to get somewhere! But, I'm over here all lonely and have nowhere to go!" I heard Harry's voice. The girls stopped, looked at each other, and ran over to Harry.

"Where are you going Z?" Harry asked.


"Why? We don't have practice today."

"Louis wanted me to come in for some practice on my landings."

"Ah. Well, see ya later!" Harry began to talk to the girls as he left the school. Flirt.

I walked out of the building and got into my car. I drove to gymnastics and got out my gym bag. I walked into the gym and changed. I stretched out my legs, arms, back, wrists, ankles, and neck, and then I warmed up by jogging around the gym a couple times. I saw Louis come into the gym and I ran over to him from behind. I jumped on him, causing him to trip. He turned his head and saw that it was me. I got down from his back and spun him around. I pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"Hey baby..." I murmured against his lips.

"Hello love," Louis smiled and pecked me on the lips. "You look... Lovely?"

"What do you mean?!" My hands flew to my hair.

"Um... There is lipstick of all different colors on your face. You look like a unicorn pooped on your face."

I burst out laughing and ran to the toilet. I looked in the mirror and he was right. There was lipstick all over my face. I washed it off an ran back out.

"What should we start with?" I asked.

"Um... You should try just your backflip on the trampoline."

"Mkay." I jogged over to the trampoline and jumped up onto it. Louis got onto it too.

"Okay, so you're not going to jump at all, you're just going to do your backflip from standing position. Like this." Louis stood with his arms straight. Then he flipped backwards and landed on his feet. I did the same as he did but landed on my bum. He helped me up.

"Remember to tuck yourself into a little ball."

I flipped backwards and landed it.

"Good job babe." Louis kissed my nose. "Now let's try your double back."

"Okay." I looked down the long trampoline, bounced a little, then ran down it. I did a round-off and then two backflips. I felt my feet hit the trampoline.

You Flipped My Heart (Zouis Talik)Where stories live. Discover now