Trampoline Fun

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Zayn's POV

Round-off. Back handspring. Back tuck.

I run full speed on the floor and do my round-off, my back handspring, and my back tuck almost perfectly.

"Yes!" Coach Louis claps twice. "Make sure to keep those arms nice and strong. Try again, keep your back straight, shoulders square."

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and nod. "Okay coach."

I jump up and down and shake my arms out before going again.

Run, roundoff, back handspring, back tuck. I landed but lost my balance and fell on my butt.

I heard snickers and I looked over and saw my friends laughing at me.

"Shut up." I pouted. They put their hands up in defense. I got off my butt and walked over to Louis.

"You seem to have trouble with your back tuck. Here, I'll do it and try to figure out what you did wrong." He walked to the floor and ran across it, then did a roundoff, a back handspring, and then landed the back tuck perfectly.

"That's what you need to do. Stick it. Push those legs down as hard as you can so you can stay in place. Here, I'll spot you. Come here."

I walked over to him and stood with my back straight.

"Okay stand right there and do your back tuck."

I took a deep breath and flung myself backwards. I felt his hands helping me over, but I fell on my butt. Again. He helped me up.

"Try again."

I did it again and I landed it this time.

"Good job. Now go do a back walkover and a back handspring. Lets see those. Boys!"

My friends looked over at him.

"Do something useful. Don't stand around like a bunch of girls gossiping."

I burst out laughing at their stunned faces.

I did my back walkover and my back handspring perfectly.

Louis told me to go to the trampoline. Yes! My favorite. I ran to the trampoline and jumped up on it. My friends were in front of me. Liam ran down the trampoline and did a roundoff and three back handspring and landed. Niall clapped loudly and bounced on the trampoline. Niall jogged on the trampoline, a spring in his step. He did an aerial and then a roundoff-back handspring, meeting Liam at the other end. They watched as Harry ran down the tramp and did a double back. We all clapped and the boys stared at me. I ran a little then did front handsprings almost down the whole length of the trampoline, and finishing it off with a front 1/1.

"Woah, Zayn! I didn't know you could do that!" Niall exclaimed. I ruffled his hair.


"Okay boys, very good! Now stretch out and you can go home!"

We got in a circle and stretched out. The boys said their goodbyes and I was about to leave when I saw Louis running towards the vault. He did an amazing stunt and landed it.

"Holy shit!" Oops. Louis looked over at me. "Uh, sorry coach."

He laughed. "Thats okay Zayn."

"Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I waved.

"Good job today!" He called.


I closed the door and walked out to my car. I started it up and drove home.

"Hey honey how was gymnastics?" My mum asked.

"It was good mum." I hugged her and ran up to my room. I changed into some sweatpants, not bothering to put on a shirt. I got out my homework and started working on it.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it. Niall.

'hey z, wanna facetime? havin trouble with maths :/ xx'

'sure call meh :) xx'

A few minutes later he called. I answered.

"Zaynie!" Niall screeched.

"Jesus Ni!" I yelled, covering my ears.

"Oops, okay I'm actually not having trouble with math."

"Okay, then why'd you call?"

He scratched his neck and put his head in his hands.

"Niall what is it, mate?"

"I think I'm falling for Li."

"I knew that Niall."

"You did?"

"Dude I can tell. You get all googly eyed around him."

He blushed. "Shit, really? Do you think he notices?"

I shrug. "Dunno."

"What should I do?"

"You should freaking ask him out."

"What if he rejects me?"

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"I just do."


I made a kissy face. "Gotta go Ni! Good luck see ya tomorrow at school!"


We ended the FaceTime and I went back to working on my homework.

Before I went to bed, I went into my bathroom, grabbed my razor, and sliced my wrist, adding another red line to my "collection".

I washed it off and went to bed, my eyes closing almost immediately.

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