Love Makes Me

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Louis's POV

"How many?"

"Two please." Zayn smiles at the waitress.

"Right this way, follow me."

Zayn puts his hands on my waist and walks behind me, steering me through all the people and making our path much more complicated than the waitress's. He makes me go around tables and swerve past waiter's with trays of food on their shoulders. We make it to the table without killing anyone and Zayn sits me down in one of the comfy leather chairs. He sits across from me and smiles lovingly at me. I blush and Zayn chuckles.

"Can I get you boys something to drink?" The waitress asks.

"I'll have iced tea please." I say.

"I'll have water, thanks." Zayn smiles.

"I'll be right back!" The waitress bounces off and I turn to Zayn.

"You're boring." I laugh.


"You're just having water? No flavor?" I ask.

"Nope, competition is coming up, gotta stay fit!" Zayn fist pumps and I giggle and push his arm down.

"Weirdo. You would stay fit if you ate fifty burgers."

"I highly doubt that boo." He taps my nose.

I whack him with my menu and he places a hand over his heart dramatically. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, iced tea... And one water. Are you boys ready to order or do you need a few minutes?" The waitress asks, setting the drinks down on the table.

"I'm ready, Lou?" Zayn turns to me.

"I'm ready."

"Okay, what can I get you?" She pulls out a notepad.

"I'll have a salad with italian dressing please." Zayn orders.

"Salad... Italian... Okay, and for you?" The waitress turns to me.

"I'll also have a salad with honey mustard dressing and no onions, please." I smile.

She writes down the order. "I'll be back in a little bit with your food!" She grabs our menus and runs off.

I look over at Zayn and he's biting his lip nervously.

"Are you okay love?"

"Yeah, just nervous about the competition."

I laugh. "You'll do fine, you're a great gymnast love."

"You're just saying that-"

"No, you really are an amazing gymnast."

"Thanks..." He smiles and looks down at a few bubbles rising to the surface of his water. His eyelashes throw shadows across his face and the setting sun gives his face a golden glow. His eyes are shining and his hair is still perfect, swaying up in a soft quiff, showing off more of his beautiful golden skin. He's gorgeous.

Zayn's POV

I look up and see that Louis is staring at me with his oceanic blue eyes. His light skin has shadows from his eyelashes, nose and lips throw across it. His feathery brown hair is perfectly frayed across his forehead.

I hear a song I love and I jump up.

"I love this song!" I exclaim.

Louis raises an eyebrow and a few people look over at me. I start to sing and dance, ignoring how the restaurant has gone quiet to listen.

You Flipped My Heart (Zouis Talik)Where stories live. Discover now