1.2 (Part One)

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[ Michael ]

Excitement floods through me as I turn the car onto Nicole's street. I couldn't wait to see Nicole and watch her pack food for needy people; I bet she'd look cute with those gloves and hair net.

I finally reach her house and park in the driveway. Taking out my phone, I send her a text saying that I was here to pick her up.

Me: I'm here :)

I drum my fingers against the steering wheel to the beat as I wait for her to come out of the house.

Nic♡ʕ··ʔ: don't come, sick sorry

My shoulders sag as a sigh escapes my lips. I can't help but feel disappointed that she couldn't be there with me.

As I'm thinking, something clicks inside of me and I turn off my car. I'm not going to let her be alone while she's sick. She probably can't even get out of bed.

I check the door knob and find it unlocked. Twisting the cool metal in my palm, I quietly enter her house. I hear a tv on in the back as I slowly walk into a small dining room that turns into a tiny kitchen.

I see multiple pictures on her fridge and walk over to it, losing track of my real mission here.

There's a photo of a younger Nicole with long, dark hair and a cheesy smile while hugging a very small Jacob who wore the same expression. I glance over to the one above it and see a large in stature man with black, short hair and tan skin. He had five o'clock shadow and both Nicole and Jacob were perched on each knee with laughing faces.

I hear iron scraping and turn quickly to see Nicole just picking up a frying pan from her counter.

"Fucking hell, Michael!" She croaks out.

Her hair is in a knotty (Ha HAHA) and disheveled bun, her cheeks and nose bright red, and a navy blue rob loosely tied around her body.

"What?" I reply, my own face heating up from how cute she looks.

"You broke into my house, that's what!" She begins to cough, sounding like she's about to hack up her lungs. "What are you doing here?" She groans, setting the pan back down.

"I'm here to take care of you."

Short update ;-; I'm sorry

I remembered I have honors and regular anatomy hw due tomorrow and it's already like 8:40 pm so I gotta cut this in half.

How do you think Nicole is gonna react? ;)

My friend and (awkward enough) my old crush are starting to go out and they're so cute and she's really sick rn and he's all like hey you okay? And being all sweet and I'm here like YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FUCKING DIE BEFORE YOU FUCKING GO OUT WITH HIM MAN. (I think he's liked her since freshman year and then stopped talking to her and I really liked him and asked him out for HOCO last year and he said no and then I met my boyfriend and tis all good and I ship these two so much) so this is where that inspo came from.

Make sure to vote and comment! :-)

Part two should be up sometime this weekend!!!

I love you guys!

- Jen

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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