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[ Nicole ]

Michael: NICCCC


Michael: come over!!! ASAP!!!!

Me: why?

Me: we just saw one another like a day ago

Michael: please! It's about the food bank thingy :)

Michael: bring Jacob too!

Me: he's actually at a friends house right now, he called and said he was going to spend the night

Me: also, I don't have a car so like

Me: yeah.

Michael: right I'll come get you!!

I roll my eyes and get out of bed to get ready. Once I put on my favorite lipstick, I hear Michael's car horn in the drive way. Then after a semi silent fifteen minute drive, we arrive to his apartment.

"I'm so excited, we've all got it figured out-"

Michael was suddenly cut off by a loud shriek inside. We look at each other and hurry into the apartment.

"What happened?" Michael asks, his voice full of worry.

Katie rolls her eyes, her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Jennifer just found out that Dan and Phil are coming here for a meet and greet."

"I'm so happy, I might cry!" Jen says, actual tears starting to appear in her eyes.

"You are obsessed with Dan Howell," Michael mutters.

"At least it's not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," she remarks, sticking her tongue out at the red head.

I snort before taking a seat on the folding chair. Michael's face turns a light pink before pulling a chair beside mine.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are way better than two dorky YouTubers." I hear a new voice say.

"Shut up, Luke." Jen grumbles, sending him an unhappy look as he sits down on the other side of Michael.

"Feisty," I hear yet a different voice say.

"Ashton, please come with me!" Jen begs the tall man who plops onto the couch beside her.

He raises his eyebrows and looks to Luke for silent help. "I can't, I have a, uh, doctors appointment that day!" He announces.

Jen pouts, using the puppy dog eyes on him. "Babe, that will not work."

"Fine, Katie will you go?" Jen huffs, pleading her friend.

Katie looks at her before saying, "no."

"Why?" Jennifer groans, throwing back her head.

"I have a job, Jen. I can't spend money to go see two guys I don't know, nor do I care to know, when I have bills and rent to pay. I'm sorry, but no." Katie says firmly.

"I'm sorry, I'll go by myself." Jen mumbles, aware of the situation she's made for her friends.

"I'll go with you."

Everyone looks at me, and I realize that my mouth was the one who spoke those words.

"Really?" Jen smiles happily.

"If you buy my ticket, then sure." I agree, what could go wrong?

"Oh my god! I'll send you the information when it comes closer! Thank you so much, Nicole!" Jen runs over to me and gives me a hug before siting back down next to Ashton.

"What'd I miss?" Calum enters the room last, sitting beside Katie and wrapping a loose arm around her shoulders.

Before Jen could speak, Michael says, "nothing, now that we're all here we can talk about the food bank!"

"Mike, I don't know if I want to spend my off time working at a food bank." Luke mumbles, looking towards me.

I furrow my eyebrows but place my attention on Michael. "I think it's a good idea, we don't have to do it every week."

"I agree, it'll only be a few hours." Katie adds, sending me a small smile.

"Plus, it'll be good for the people." Jen finalizes.

Ashton and Calum seem to agree while Luke was groaning. "Guys, I really want to spend my hours off of work home, in bed, with the tv on."

"Then leave, Luke. I'm sorry if I offend you, but this is for people who actually give a damn about their community and if you hate it so much then just go." I finally snap.

The blue eyed blonde stares at me momentarily before shaking his head. "Fine, I'll do it."

"Then loose the attitude," Calum mutters.

Luke holds up his hands in defense before walking into the other room. Michael runs a hand through his hair before letting out a sigh.

"So, we'll do it this Wednesday and meet around four?"

"Let's make it five, I don't get off work until four twenty." Ashton says.

I note his hand on Jennifer's knee and then I look at Calum, who seems to be playing with Katie's blonde hair.

We finish planning out where to meet and whose cars we're taking shortly afterwards. It irks me the way Luke kept staring at me, like he wanted to tell me off.

"I'll take you home," Michael says with a grin.

Nodding, I say goodbye to the others and walk out with Michael. When we get inside the car, he lets out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong?"

He glances at me before shaking his head and starting the car up. "Nothing, I'm just nervous for the food bank."

"There's really nothing to be nervous about, silly."

"I know, I just am." He shrugs.

"Hey, are Jen and Ashton a thing?" I finally question.

Michael raises his eyebrows. "Uh, I think so? I'm not sure, why?"

"It just looks like it, that's all."

"Maybe ask Jen." He suggests. "Also, thank you for stepping up and going with her, I know you probably weren't completely comfortable agreeing but it means a lot to her."

"You must feel strongly towards her, huh?"

Why did I say that? Why did it sound so harsh? And why the hell am I so angry about the thought of him liking someone?

Michael shakes his head vigorously. "No, God no. She's like a sister to me, I've known her for way too long and- just- no." He laughs.

My heartbeat calms down, and I don't understand why it was up in the first place.

"Oh, okay." I reply.

Was I actually jealous?

Hey guys!

Have a shortish and very crappy chapter. I'm sorry ):

If you haven't already, I made a character ask in the previous chapter! Please go ahead and ask some questions!

If you enjoyed, please vote and leave a comment!

I love you guys!

- Jen

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