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Michael: you should really stop smoking

Me: you should really stop acting like my mother :)

A story in which a girl's little brothers after school care councilor texts her about quitting her smoking habits.

Hey guys!

Literally inspired by anglophiliac and theprincehes to republish so uh, here it is.

This is the second book to the Texting Series.
Book 1: Texting Him
Book 2: Texting The Non-Smoker
Book 3: Texting Peter Pan
Book 4: Texting A Drummer

They're four completely different books with different characters but all in text form. (Except this book will have more normal writing format than the last two will but that's okay)

I hope you guys are as excited as I am. :-)

Please be sure to vote/comment!

I love you guys!

- Jen

Texting The Non-Smoker (m.c) -2-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang