Love Is Only a Lie Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to My Close Friend Hannah Who Simply Sat There A Listened To Me Yapping About This

This Story and All Characters used belong to Elle Tracy 2011 ©

Previously on Love Is Only a Lie…

Daniel Clarke the boy who broke my heart I sat frozen in my chair his eyes locked on mine.


I couldn’t believe it he had the nerve to still come, I thought after everything that had happened he wouldn’t even show his face; I felt my stomach burst into butterflies my cheeks felt flushed, memories started to attack my mind it felt like it was just yesterday when my heart was ripped from my chest and stomped on.

--------------------------------------------------Rewind 2 weeks before-----------------------------------------------------

Daniel sat in front of me with a sombre expression on his face, there seemed to be hidden emotions behind his light blue eyes “Evie last night was a mistake, I’m sorry but it should never of happened and it can never happen again” he said softly I sat there with a blank look on my face what did he mean it couldn’t happen again. I  wondered what had changed his mind over the night “what does that mean Danny” I stuttered emotions lacing my words “it means that there is no more Eve and Daniel just Evie and just Daniel” he said harshly his tone shocked me; why was he acting like this. Tears ran freely from my eyes why would my Daniel the one that I fell in love with act like this my heart felt like it was shattering into little tiny pieces I knew that I had to get out; my chair screeched from under me tears blurred my vision my only thoughts were to run and get the hell away from this imposter who claimed that he loved me the night before.

Running away was my only option; storming past random people I tried to make my way towards my brother’s car which I had borrowed earlier that day. Driving home my thoughts were on why Daniel ended our relationship it had come so suddenly that I was still in shock over what had happened my mind couldn’t decipher what was going on. Pulling into my driveway I got out of the car and started to walk towards the front door my whole body felt like it was on auto- pilot, opening the door I could hear my family sitting down in the kitchen eating dinner laughing and joking around completely unaware of the emotions bubbling under the surface of my skin. Despair seemed to be eating away inside of me as I quietly tiptoed to my room making sure no one would know that I was home, I couldn’t deal with their looks of pity at that moment, I needed to be alone to wallow in my own misery. Lying in bed I let the tears flow free and all my barriers came crashing down.

----------------------------------------------- Present Time---------------------------------------------------------------------

Hatred started to consume me when I remembered that dark day. I made a promise to myself that night, that I would never fall in love ever again because truth be told love didn’t exist, my opinion now if anyone would ask me if I believed in love would be that Love is Only a Lie….



Wow I seriously can’t believe I posted this story *BLUSHES*

Hope you all liked the chapters that I wrote… comment to let me know what you all think :] Pinky promise that I’ll give you a virtual cookie :P PLEASEE VOTE!!!! 


 Elle Tracy 2011 ©

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