Chapter 2: The Missing Meister's First Appearance!

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The late friend was named Crona. Her weapon was a little black humanoid in her back. Her weapon is named Ragnarok.

Crona isn't much of a tomboy, but I guess she has her moments. She is EXTREMELY skinny. She's also pretty flat-chested and always wears a long, black robe. She has short pink hair and black, depressed looking eyes, also known as narrow eyes.

Crona is timid, naive, and kind of a scardey-cat. Nice Father she has....

Ragnarok is Crona's weapon. She used to be quite muscular, but after Milo purified them both, Ragnarok shrunk and isn't so dangerous anymore.

Ragnarok is pretty much....just a black demon sword humanoid thing....that pops out of her meister's back whenever she pleases. At least it won't hurt Crona when popping out of her back anymore.

Ragnarok is mean and enjoys hurting her meister. She's a bully. A back popping midget bully now, to be exact. (No offense to you midgets out there.)

"There you are, Crona! Hey, we should get going. We won't be late, but we should still get going." Milo said.

Ragnarok punched Crona's nose. "I wanted more pancakes, you female dog!"

"But Ragnarok! I don't know how to deal with breakfast! You ate up all the pancakes Sir Menuso made and only saved me one!"

"Female dog! Female dog!"

"I'm not a Chihuahua! I don't know how to deal with Chihuahua's!"

Soon the friends-and tiny bully-were at the doors to the academy.

"Well, let's go in!" Milo opened the doors and he and his friends walked inside.

End chapter
Edit: Wow, I'm adding in an author's note in 2021 even though this was made in 2016. My original author's note for this was longer, but I decided to shorten this.

Alright, there are a few things I want to clarify:

First things the swearing. When I first joined Wattpad, I didn't like swearing and I wasn't a huge fan of putting any type of swearing in my stories, and I remember Ragnarok calling Crona the b word a lot, so I didn't put any swear words in my stories and would replace them with a different word instead. I didn't put any swearing in because I didn't think it was necessary.

Secondly, I acknowledge I could've picked different names, but if you don't like the name changes, you can either get used to them, imagine a different name in your head, or exit this story. It would be a hassle to change all the names and I'm not forcing you to read this. If the name changes bother you, I highly recommend reading something else.

But if you're reading this and the names didn't bother you, that's great.

Thanks for listening....or reading. Adios.

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