The boys went back outside to play with the dog while all of us went and sat outside by the pool. Zayn took his shirt off to tan his skin while I let my feet dangle into the cool water. Mark started annoying Zayn about learning to swim because it could be used as another training method, but Zayn wasn't having it. I wasn't sure what Zayn needed to train for exactly, I just wanted him to learn how to swim because it's something I feel a lot of people know how to do. The only problem is that Zayn is scared and doesn't want to admit it to anyone.

"I don't need to know how to swim. I'm fine not knowing how to swim. I've lived many years with out needing to know and I plan on living many more the same way." Zayn said. Mark rolled him eyes and reached over to slap Zayn on the back of the head. I laughed because I knew Zayn would retaliate if it were someone else that did that. Only because it was Mark he was just going to accept the hit he deserved for being stubborn.

I rest back on my hands and closed my eyes  to take in the warm sun. I looked down at my feet, but the way my stomach looked really bloated stopped me from relaxing as much. I knew I had just eaten and it would be normal for that, but my heart fluttered and my stomach grew a little nervous. I got up and went over to kiss Zayn before heading inside. He called after me to ask me where I was going, but I was too stuck in my own mind to answer him.

When I got inside I went up to me and Zayn's bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and let out a nervous breath. Even if this was supposed to be exciting, I didn't want a let down if I wasn't actually pregnant. I didn't want to let Zayn down either. Not after what we've been through already. I got two pregnancy tests out of the medicine cabinet and opened them. I tried to not let my shaking hands get in the way of what I was doing, overall it just made things harder.

I set the two tests down on the counter once I was done and sat on the counter just waiting. I was biting my nails and I was trying to stop my hands from shaking. Sitting here I remembered the other two times I was in this situation. For Ezra, Louis was the one that forced me to try this and I was terrified about what Zayn would think. With Ethan, I knew I felt funny for days, but I didn't trust just one test so I doubled checked with Doniya. Zayn was very happy and I was too because our little family was growing. All I'm hoping for now is to continue that.

The three grueling minutes passed by so slowly I thought I was going to start biting my whole fingers off. I jumped off the counter and took a deep breath before looking down at both the tests. My heart stopped and my eyes clouded with tears. I didn't even care anymore because I grabbed one test and ran outside to find Zayn. He was already walking across the yard, so I just ran and wrapped myself around him. He held me tight so I wouldn't fall.

"What's wrong, baby?" Zayn asked me after the first couple sobs left my mouth. I pulled back and showed him the stick I had in my hand. He set me down and took it from me like he didn't believe it until he was holding it. I wiped my eyes as best as I could and waited for him to react.

"Well shit... We're going to be dad's again?" He asked me like that was actually amusing. I nodded to him and saw his face grow into a smile. He picked me up again and spun me around before stopping and kissing me.

"I love you so much. You're so incredible. You did it." Zayn laughed to me. I laughed too because I don't think he realized that he also did it as well. He never really has, actually. With Ethan, it took him a few days after he was born to realize that his look alike son was made by him as well. These are the reasons I teach my boys to stay in school.

"What's with all the happiness over here?" Mark came over to ask. Zayn kissed me a few times before showing Mark the pregnancy test. We both knew by now that it would have been a smarter idea to keep it private for a while, but Mark has been with us through a lot. Meaning the first time I got pregnant to now, he's been there always.

"We're going to have another baby, Dad." Zayn said proudly after Mark looked at us like he needed someone to confirm the positive sign on the screen. Zayn set me back down so that Mark could give him a huge hug. I smiled because I knew what a family ment to Zayn and Mark. That was common grounds for them. They both never thought they would have one but couldn't be happier now that they do. Mark turned and gave me a hug too, but the grip he had on me was gentle. It was like how Zayn is with me. They're both strong, but they have a tender side that I couldn't help but smile at.

"Congratulations to the both of you. Maybe this one will look like you, Niall." Mark joked to me. Zayn shook his head knowing that his traits are the most dominant out of the two of us.

"I just want a healthy baby." I replied. He kissed my cheek and told me that's what he wants for us too. Zayn pulled me into his side and rest his hand on my stomach. He smiled like he remembered how it was going to be. I was a little nervous just about the baby being healthy, but I knew that I felt great now and my body had never felt better. I was ready to do this, and I could see in Zayn's eyes he was too.

A/N: school starts on Thursday for me... ew... are yall in school?!?!??!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now