20- exams

212 10 2

Ellen's POV

I stand in front of the mirror in my bed room checking my reflection: the girl in the mirror is tall and slim her blond hair is wavy and glossy. It's just past my shoulders, now, but it's growing fast. Her blue eyes are bright and filled with happiness, and the eyeliner above her darkened lashes, flicking out in a perfect wing.

The girl in the mirror is pretty and confident; like there's something special about her: a shine, a glimmer, something you just can't put your finger on. She's a whole lot different from the girl used to be.

I wear a bit more make up these days, Mrs st Clare turns a blind eye to it, because it helps hide my scar. There very sympathetic about that.

The door bell rings three times like usual. I make sure my hair looks nice and my grey top is on right and my black ripped skinny jeans and clean before I pick up my bag and head to the door.

Like always Cleo is there waiting for me, I say bye to Leela, Tegan and Ste before Harry and peri walk out the door. Peri runs out the door and down to the flats where Nico lives.

"Have you picked your uni yet?" Cleo asked breaking the silence, "I can't chose between the university of Greenwich and the Queen Mary university of London!" Cleo said sighing

"Cleo! There both over 4hours away!" I said to her, "Harry tell her!" I said not wanting my best friend to be that far away. "What?" He asked confused "oh right yeah what she said." He said pointing at me.

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked as I stopped walking. Him and Cleo stopped next to me. "Well, I found a really good collage on the isle of white, but Ste doesn't want me to go, I can't just leave him!"
"Harry listen, if that's where you want to go Ste can't stop you. If he really does love you then he'll go with you!" I told him.

"Yeah I guess so, anyway where are you thinking of going Ell?" Harry asked me.

"Well you guys know how much I love to proform. So I chose an arts uni!" I said. They nodded "so I've chosen the performing arts university of London ." I said

"Wait," Cleo said "so if your also going to London to well be close right?" She said happily. "Cle well still be about 1hour away." I told her "but the thing is, Leela won't let me go there, she wants me to go to one in Chester and live at home with her!" I said sadly

"Looks like be ha e the same problem ay?" Harry added as we walked through the school gates.

------time skip------

"As you all know you have 1 hour to complete this test, you are writing about how how Shakespeare created tension in act 3 scene 3. Your time starts...now." Mr McQueen spoke loudly through the exam hall, all around me I could here pen on paper as people started to write. I picked up my pen remembering what I had read this morning.

////1 hour later\\\\

"I aced that!" "You ace everything Cleo!" I said back to the over exited girl.
"I did terrible!" I sighed opening my bag to read my notes for the next exam... Maths. Oh joy!

"I'm sure you didn't do to bad Ell!" Harry said resting his arm on my shoulder. "I couldn't remember a thing, but I only need drama for uni-" Cleo interrupted me "no you need English, maths, music and drama!" "Crap! Ive already failed English and Mrs Edwin's told me I'm gonna get a D. Why am I so dyslexic!" I said trying to focus on my maths notes.  "Well that's not your fault." Cleo said passing me her more detailed maths notes , I smile at her to show my I'm thankful. "And I've Hurd you sing in the shower, so you've already passed on music." Harry said reading through his maths book. "Yeah and your A* in drama! Highest in your class." Cleo said reminding me.

"So you just need a B in English and a C in maths to get in to that uni!" Harry said looking at his phone screen. "So no pressure at all then." I mumbled putting the notes in my bag then walking in to my next examination room.

-----1hour and 30minuets

"How did you do Harry?" I asked looking up at the sad boy "I could only do about 7 questions in paper one and 10 in paper two."He said sighing

"Cle?" I asked her "I did all the questions in the first paper but only 15 out of 17 on the calculator! I can't believe I couldn't answer them!" My and Harry role our eyes, she always has to be perfect!

"And you Ell?" Cleo asked eyebrows raised, "well first paper I did 13 questions and I did I 10 in the calculator!" I said.  "Wow that's great!" Said Cleo patting me in the back, "yeah, well don't get to exited." I said pointing down the my ripped in the jeans, small notes where visible that I'd cop pie out of Cleo's book.
Her and Harry sighed rolling there eyes as we carried on walking to lunch.

Ok so I thought I should end it here

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