Chapter 14

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"You know I read exercise is a great way to help with labor." Kason said walking into the living room with his gym bag on his shoulder. I was currently sitting on the couch trying to get comfortable but couldn't due to my baby bump. The twins were more active than normal due to the fact that there wasn't much space left for them. They were both growing at a healthy pace and I had scheduled to be induced in two weeks. At this point in my pregnancy I was struggling to get comfortable. had been getting on Kason's nerves complaining about it. But like the good husband he his, he tried to help being my human body pillow and giving me massages.

"And your point is?"

"Let me be your trainer." I looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. I'd tried to workout with Kason before I got pregnant and gave up during warm-ups because of how intense he was. There was no way my pregnant ass was going to work out with him so close to my due date.

"Have you been drinking?"

"No, come on it'll be fun. I even found a good work out routine that we can do together that won't put to much strain on your body."

"Because I love you, I'll do it. But the minute you start getting intense I'm quitting"

"I'm okay with that." I changed into workout clothes with the help of Kason putting on my shoes and left for the gym. He kept his promise but my body was not excited about exercising. The minute we started I started getting pains in my lower back and side. The pain was bearble at first but soon became too uncomfortable for me to continue.

"I quit." I said after doing a few of the exercises with him. I felt a little better but I was tired and the pains in my side were getting worse.

"You haven't even got to the workout yet." he said laughing at me.

"Don't laugh at me. I'm eight months pregnant and could deliver any day now, this is the most I've exercised in almost three months."

"Are you feeling any better?" he asked with concern while helping me sit on an exercise ball.

"A little. If it helps you can be my trainer again after I give birth, gives us both the chance to burn the extra energy we'll have."

"Six weeks and that ass is mine."

"Yes, you sex craved man."

"I'm your sex craved man. Are you ready to go home or are you okay with me working out for a bit?"

"It's fine with me, we need to buy an exercise ball for when I go into labor. It's kinda fun rolling around like this and it's very relaxing." He laughed and went to go start on his workouts. I sat and watched him and couldn't help but stare at his body. I have one thing to say my husband is

F-I-N-E, if I wasn't already pregnant and about to give birth to his children

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F-I-N-E, if I wasn't already pregnant and about to give birth to his children...

F-I-N-E, if I wasn't already pregnant and about to give birth to his children

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