Chapter 7

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"You've been very relaxed today. What's been going on between you and Kason, since the fight and the whole Marco thing?" my friend Tiffany asked before taking a sip of her wine. I was out having brunch catching up with some of my friends like we always did each month. It was a great way for us to take a break from our hectic lives and stay in touch.

"Marco finally got what he deserved and won't be a problem for us anymore, so we haven't had much drama to worry about. We're happy about the baby and have been enjoying life."

"How are things with you and Kason?"

"Amazing, he's so sweet and excited about the baby so I can't complain. But I have this feeling that this great phase is going to end. Then something or someone is going to try and test our relationship. After finally getting over what happened with Marco."

"Nothing is going to happen between you and Kason. That man worships the ground you walk on and would do anything to make sure you're always happy." Tiffany said giving me a reassuring smile.

"The man got your ex arrested and suspended because of what he did to you." My other friend Cyrene said agreeing with Tiffany

"He also agreed to father your baby when you asked him too. Without any complaints and moved in with you without you asking him to. Because he wanted to be there for you during your fertility treatments. Which he did not get upset about after you finally told him what happened with Marco." Valarie said speaking up

"He also goes out of his way to get whatever you're craving and deals with your mood swings like a champ." My cousin Alyssa that had been staying with us for a few days said.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one. We all see how much Kason cares for you. And know that he wouldn't let anything jeopardize your relationship."

"You guys are right, I'm being paranoid for no reason."

"You are but we still love you. Are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby or wait?"

"I'm not sure if I want to know but not knowing would be fun."

"Your uterus, your decision."

"That's what Kace told me but I know he wants to know but only because it'd drive him crazy not knowing what we're having."

"You have your answer."

"He said he loved me."

"And you guys have being telling each other that for years now."

"It was different this time, it had more meaning to it than a friendly I love you."

"What's wrong with that, don't you love him back?" Valarie asked

"I do but he caught me off guard and when I ask him about it he changes the subject."

"Okay how exactly did he say it?"

"Well he told Marco that he shouldn't have messed with the woman he loves. Then he told me that he'd always do anything to protect me and make me happy. Everything he said was serious and had deep feelings behind it.

"He could have said it in the heat of the moment."

"Kace is not the heat of the moment type of guy."

"You guys need to talk about this. How have your symptoms been? Have you felt the flutters yet?

"I stopped vomiting a few days ago. But I still have the urge to pee every thirty minutes and no I haven't but I can't wait to feel him or her in there. I have an appointment today so I'm nervous that things have changed since my last appointment."

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